« Courants d’air, courants d’eau », a public exhibition held in Nouméa based on oceanography and satellite remote sensing. Christophe Maes 1 and Valérie Vattier 2 1 IRD-LEGOS, Nouméa 2 Maritime Museum of New Caledonia, Nouméa We are here…
ORSOM III (21,50 m) 1st oceanographic cruise called Equapac, Sept.-Oct Context: celebration of 50-year of physical oceanography from the ORSTOM-IRD centre of Nouméa (images extracted from the movie « A la recherche des courants du Pacifique » Boré and Maes, 2006)
R/V Alis
Instruments, photos and documents were kindly provided by: -Institut Océanographique de Monaco, -CNES, -IRD-ORSTOM, -Mercator-Ocean, -JAMSTEC, -PMEL, -Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, with the help of many people… Nansen currentmeter (1900) bathythermograph Original map from the Pacific islands
Outreach products from T/P and Jason-1 missions -Interactive programs and outreach products from the Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1 missions -More than 60 pedagogic kits were given to the teachers from different schools of New Caledonia
-The exhibition was held at Nouméa between the 5th May and the end of July Overview of the present research in physical oceanography as well as historical perspectives since the last 50 years -Presentation of different instruments from thermometers and current-meters to the Jason-1 satellite -2 videos on oceanographic and climate research -More than 5000 visitors, including more than 1200 young students from different educational levels Reference: Maes, C., Océanographes des mers du Sud, 50 ans d'océanographie physique dans l'océan Pacifique sud-ouest, MetMar, 213, 4-11, (in french). OVERVIEW Livre d’or