Marr Community Forum Ward 14 Health Needs
Policy Drivers Better Health Better Care Health Fit Health & Care Framework Shifting the Balance of Care Marr Local Community Planning Group Plan A Guide to Improving Health & Reducing Inequalities in Aberdeenshire
Local Health Information North Marr Prevalence Admissions:- Mental and behavioural disorders due to harmful use of alcohol, Stroke, Lung Cancer, COPD, Fracture of Neck of Femur Practice Data:- Asthma, Hypertension, Chronic Heart Disease, BMI over 30, Smoking, Stroke, COPD, Diabetes
Aberdeenshire Health Profile Access to services/rural deprivation Life expectancies Long Term Conditions
Aberdeenshire Health Improvement Priorities Reducing Health Inequalities Early Years Mental Health Tobacco Alcohol and other Drugs Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Building Capacity
Influences on Health
NHS is largely downstream focussed - dealing with the consequences of poor health Need upstream approaches to reduce the likelihood of poor health in the first instance. Wide range of stakeholders have a role.
Community Capacity Building Community Led Health Developing Effective Practice Assets Model (salutogenisis) Co-production Partnerships
Local Actions Alford – Substance Misuse, SHARE, Smoking Cessation, Falls Prevention, Young People and Alcohol, Mental Health, PMHW’s Huntly – Community Kitchen, Mental Health, Social Inclusion, SHeD, Gardening and Growing
What are your perceptions of health needs in your community? How are health needs being met locally? How can communities be involved?