Temperate Desert By: David F. and Jaclyn O.
Climate Daytime temperatures are high in the summer and low in the winter. Average Annual Temperature is °F Temperatures are as low as 8°F in January and as high as 119°F in August. Precipitation is low, less than 100 cm a year.
Plants All plants in a Temperate Desert must be adapted to the dry conditions. Common adaptations: Reduction of leaves A thick waxy cuticle Dense coating of hairs Extensive underground root system Prickly Pear Reduction of leaves- which protects and prevents water loss A thick waxy cuticle- which also reduces water loss Dense coating of hairs- which slows air moving over the surface of the plant; since the air in the desert is very dry, any air movement tends to increase evaporation. Extensive underground root system- help hold water, the roots also inject toxic chemicals into the soil to kill their competitors roots. Saguaro Cactus
Plants cont. High diversity index There are a variety of plants that are adapted to the environment. Ex: trichomes, cactus, joshua trees, wildflowers, smoke tree, agave, yucca, etc. Trichomes Fishhook Cactus
Animals The desert is full of animal life but they spend much of their time hiding. These animals have many strategies for surviving in the desert: Nocturnal lifestyle Living in burrows Slender bodies with long limbs Specialized snouts, waxy body coatings, and efficient kidneys Long eyelashes Zebratail Lizard Nocturnal lifestyle- keeps them out of the heat Living in burrows- which are cooler and more humid. Slender bodies with long limbs- better for shedding the heat Specialized snouts, waxy body coatings, and efficient kidneys- reduces water loss Long eyelashes- reduce harsh sunlight and evaporation from the eyes Rock hyrax
Animals cont. High diversity index There are a variety of animals that are adapted to the environment. Ex: camels, lizards, coyotes, tortoises, bighorn sheep, quails, jack rabbits, roadrunners, rats, etc. Bactrian Camel
Biomass Pyramid
WORKS CITED "The Desert Biomes." Marietta College Department of Biology and Environmental Science's Biomes of the World. Marietta College. 17 Oct. 2008 <http://www.marietta.edu/~biol/biomes/biome_main.htm>. "Deserts." Desert USA. 1996-2008. Desert USA. 16 Oct. 2008 <http://www.desertusa.com/magoct97/oct_czcet.html>. Miller, Tyler G. Living in the Environment. 12th ed. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, 2002. 133-35.