The Appendicular Skeleton The Upper Limbs Human Bio 11
Scapula AKA shoulder blade or shoulder girdle. Loosely held in place by ligaments. Joint type: Ball and Socket. Lots of movement in most directions.
Scapula Front View Back View
Clavical AKA collar bone. Connects with the sternum at one end and scapula at the other.
Humerous Bone type: Long. Shoulder to elbow. Has many attachment sites for muscles.
Ulna Bone type: Long. One of the bones of the forearm. Ulna is on medial side.
Radius Bone type: Long. The other bone of the forearm. Lateral to the ulna. Lateral side of elbow to thumb side of wrist.
Carpals AKA wrist. Bone type: Short. Joint type: Gliding. 8 bones.
Metacarpals AKA hand. 5 bones.
Phalanges AKA fingers and thumb. 3 bones in each finger and 2 bones in each thumb.