Introduction to Poster Design Melanie St. James Manager, Design and Usability Services UIT ESTS, Tufts University
Readability improves: comprehension retention reading speed reading persistence Goal: Maximize Readability
Capture your audience!
2000 Presidential Elections Florida Ballot
Examples from Robin Williams’ Design Workshop
Your design tools: Typography Layout Color Images
Design concepts Alignment Grouping Contrast
Examples from Robin Williams’ Design Workshop
My GIS Poster A quick design workshop
My GIS Poster A quick design workshop
My GIS Poster A quick design workshop Corporate Logos Redesign
Times New Roman Arial T T Serif vs. Sans Serif
Arial / Helvetica Print fonts Times New Roman Sans Serif Serif
Web fonts Verdana Trebuchet Georgia City names: Chicago, Geneva…
Comic Sans…
Visual Hierarchy
The bold, the underlined and the italicized
Readability: Column Width The “alphabet-and-a-half ” line length rule: the ideal line length at 39 characters regardless of type size.
Left alignJustified
a a Font size
COLORCOLOR About... Tufts Visual Identity:
Contrasting hues with a similar value
Contrasting hues with different values
Resolution: Caution: Format: Working with Images 150 or 300 dpi web images are 72 dpi SnagIt - software to increase image resolution TIFF (can yield large files) GIF, PNG (solid colors, text) JPG (photos)
Working with images in a page layout software: What you see is NOT what you get
12 columns
Design Process: Be in charge of your design decisions: color palette, fonts Identify most important elements & highlight them Take away anything that doesn’t directly support your MAIN IDEA Squint at your poster: what do you see?
? Which software to use MS PowerPoint Adobe InDesign MS Publisher
Melanie St. James Manager, Design and Usability Services UIT ESTS, Tufts University Good luck and have fun with your posters!