Secure outsourcing: Possibility or oxymoron ?? Vishal Gupta CEO
The problem
In 2012, the total size of the outsourcing market is expected to be about USD 184B ~USD 4.2B will be spent on proactive and reactive actions on information breaches An average breach costs an enterprise USD 6.75 M in direct costs
The risks - human Each person in the chain of outsourcing process handoffs represents a “risk” * High man power churn typical to the industry = Mother of all HR problems !! This element of risk is indispensable, intelligent, adaptive and prone to greed !
The risks – legal and compliance Legal cover for malfunction for any of the risks is critical Outsourcing process is typically under compliance norms of various country specific norms, compliance frameworks and cross border data flow agreements Liability is largely spread across multiple entities and reputation risks are not covered Insurance is at-best, high cost !
The risks - technology Information through the lifecycle of creation – storage – transmission – use – archival & deletion represents one of the biggest risks Multitude of information systems with hand offs have shown themselves to be prone to breaches Controls are typically built into individual applications
The underlying issues Share it = It becomes his (also) Usage and access control separation is not possible Share it once = Share it forever No possibility of information “recall” if relationships change Out of the firewall = Free for all Only legal contracts protect information outside the “perimeter”
Illustration Bank BPO BPO Employees doing data entry Bank Employee Kay Bank outsource it’s data entry work to a remotely located business partner IntServices Pvt Ltd
Illustration Bank BPO BPO Employees doing data entry Bank Employee Certain documents are scanned and image files are sent by a bank employee to the business partner via a secured FTP connection.
Illustration Bank BPO BPO Employees doing data entry Bank Employee Different employees process the scanned image files to enter data into excel or database files. These files are sent back to bank via secured FTP.
Illustration Bank BPO BPO Employees doing data entry Bank Employee Confidential data may be leaked by one of the employees to a telemarketer. Telemarketer
WHO can use the information People & groups within and outside of the organization can be defined as rightful users of the information WHAT can each person do Individual actions like reading, editing, printing, distributing, copy-pasting, screen grabbing etc. can be controlled WHEN can he use it Information usage can be time based e.g. can only be used by Mr. A till 28th Sept OR only for the 2 days WHERE can he use it from Information can be linked to locations e.g. only 3rd floor office by private/public IP addresses IRM technologies allow enterprises to define, implement & audit information usage “policies”. A “policy” defines : Rights Management Defined 15
Illustration - After Bank BPO BPO Employees doing data entry Bank Employee Kay Bank outsource it’s data entry work to a remotely located business partner IntServices
Illustration - After Bank BPO BPO Employees doing data entry Bank Employee Certain documents are scanned and image files are protected & sent by a bank employee to the business partner via a secured FTP connection.
Illustration - After Bank BPO BPO Employees doing data entry Bank Employee After legitimate use, Kay bank can ensure that information shared with or generate by Intservices is destructed
19 What enterprises say... Senior Vice President and CISO, HDFC Bank. "In today’s world, where the boundaries of the organisation’s functionality are disappearing, we are dependent on different business providers to process our customer information. Given that requirement, we still want to control how that information is used and processed by the service providers. Seclore’s technology has allowed us to do that." - Vishal Salvi, CISO
Seclore user profile… ….Large financial services groups ….Diversified business groups ….Engineering and manufacturing organizations …Government and service providers
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