Literacy Rocks Session 1 – Autumn 2012 Welcome! Please find your name badge, grab a drink and a biscuit, then find your table.
Literacy Rocks! Thinking Arguing Evaluating Persuading Discussing Listening Team work Weigh up pros and cons Talking Decision making Mental agility Changing your mind Self control Dealing with doubt and uncertainty Debate These sessions aim to improve:
Think or Thunk? Using the paper and pencils on your table, work with a partner to complete the following challenge in 3 minutes: Alphabet Key: A-Z of: Biscuits – is it even possible??
Think or Thunk ? Is there more future or more past?
A sentence needs a noun and a verb. Optional extras include; Articles & Pronouns Adjectives AdverbsConnectives Preposition Sentence Structure
The teacher jumps dangerously on the toilet.
100 Word Challenge ‘The unread story is not a story; it is little black marks on wood pulp. The reader, reading it, makes it live: a live thing, a story.’ Ursula K. Le Guin
Example 100 WC I woke up early, it was the day of my maths exam. All the way to school my legs were wobbling I felt sick. I walked slowly into the crowded play ground; then I heard the bell ring for the register. I sat down in the class room, my maths book in front of me. I even had my calculator. The teacher gave out the exam papers face down on the table. I was ready and prepared for maths. The teacher said “GO”. It was all going well until, I turned over the paper and found out it was English!
100 Word Challenge … we had just sat down for dinner when…
Enter the Box
Resources on Website If you don’t have access to the internet, please let us know and we will be happy to provide paper versions of all materials.
Follow up work... Check out the 100 Word Challenge website Check out some of the activities on the Read Write Think website.Read Write Think Reminder of Think/Thunk ideas for next time.