Revenge, Life and Death. Kraynerd && Monmon.
Revenge Revenge is driven by anger. Revenge is the action of giving payback usually in a destructive, insulting or harmful way especially in Blood Ties. In blood ties revenge is shown through Saker’s chapters. He forcefully attempts to raise the dead travellers who were brutally murdered by Acton and his people in the old days.
Quotes On Revenger. “I am Saker, son of Alder and Linnet of the village of Cliffhaven. I seek justice for Owl, Sparrow, for Lark, Ash, For Oak, for Cedar…” – Page 510 “He was the master of the dead!” – page 391 “I am Saker, son of Alder and Linnet of the village of Cliffhaven, I seek justice…” page 5.
How Does Revenge Develop? Revenge develops through the book through Saker and his life, where it tells you a small but important part of his life where it shows the fuel of revenge in his life. “Saker began to tremble with the effort of pushing aside that memory, the worst one, the one that came after the Warlod’s men had dragged the bodies away and the sun had gone down.” page 395. Through the novel it increases as he finally find the bones of the murdered and he attempts to raise them. “he paused and looked down at the skulls, they seemed to shout silently for him to hurry. He pressed the knife down to his palm and pressed hard.” page 347.
What Does it Teach The Reader? In blood ties, although what Saker is trying to do is not ethical, the moral of Sakers story shows that with your hard work and effort, you can achieve your goal. Anger Injustice. Through the novel we see a lot of injustice and particularly anger with Saker. This shows the moral that if your issues are not dealt with properly and quickly, they can become a fuel for revenge later in your life. It is better to overpower and control your emotions, and deal with them now, rather than bottle them up inside and unleash them through revenge.
LIFE & DEATH Life is what we live and death is another step in life that we take, in blood ties, it is another doorway to another life. This is seen through many of the quickenings that occur in the novel. A major scene in the book is where Bramble kills the warlord, and 3 days later comes to the quickening to offer reparation; blood for blood. “I am your killer, lo I proclaim it, it was I who took your life from you. I am here to offer reparation, blood for blood.” page 90.
Quotes on Life & Death “if you do not forgive me you will be caught here in this place with no chance of rebirth” – page 91 “there was blood on the wall. Ash could smell it. Steam rose from the body at his feet.” – page 54
What is the impact of life and death in blood ties ? Life and death acts as a chain for the plot leading each scene one to the other. Example. With bramble, the killing of the warlord, and the quickening leads her to the road, roan and becoming a traveller.