Worle Village Primary Maths Team Year Review
Feedback quotes Clear informative presentation – thank you. Now know the progression with manipulatives Really helped my CPD - thanks Feel more confident in what I do now More information for lower school needed
Collaborative learning sessions Planning sessions Maths obs Book trawls Pupil conferences
So what got the maths to good in HMI eyes Up to date knowledge of current trends in subject Good knowledge of recent Ofsted publications Excellent subject knowledge Fire and enthusiasm of children Good to outstanding quality first teaching Tracking of fluency Children tracking progress in lessons. A subject leader who is a true FLIRT!
Strengths Increased positive attitude to Maths by children and staff Increased quality first teaching Movement towards conceptual rather than procedural Better planning, marking and feedback More personalised teaching to deepen knowledge Strategic interventions. Developments Greater use of Numicon in classrooms Reasoning skills and greater conceptual understanding Problem solving Planning for new curriculum
Training implications Numicon - ? In house/train to train/outside agency Singapore bar model – in house LSA training and subject knowledge Continued professional development of teaching staff
R APS KS Progress W APS KS Progress M APS KS Progress 16.74na5.33na6.3na (8APS) na3.6na3.25na (T5) 8.25 (T5) Consistent progress across Yrs 3 & 4 (about 3.5)
Mathematics LevelsBelow L2c L2c+L2b+ NA 76% L2a+ NA 49% L3+ NA 22% Attainment 6% 94%73%61%39% TargetN/A97% 49%34% In mathematics attainment at the higher levels of 2a and 3 is above the targets and the national averages for Attainment at L2b+ is below the school's targets and the 2013 national average, reflecting the makeup of the cohort. (The 6% below 2c represents 2 children, both identified as SEN, interventions in place and will be closely monitored – as will be the 2c children who nationally struggle to achieve level 4 at year 6.) APS Last year 16.2 NA 16.1 (sig+?)