ESER group, Overview How I got into scholarship of L&T/Research (aka: the double-dip approach) Pen-based technologies
ESER group, Capturing lectures/tutorials: Calculus
ESER group, Recording lectures Web/iPod/iPhone video files
ESER group, Camtasia Relay for lecture recording Beta trial in 2008 Faculty trial in S Roll out across USQ in S2 2009
ESER group, Student support via screencasts Operations Research
ESER group, The Improving Mathematics Education in School (TIMES) Project AMSI (Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute)
ESER group, Current screencasting projects AMSI: Secondary maths teachers USQ: 1 st year engineering students James Cook Uni: 1 st year sciences students Open University: MSOR mini-project, Master level maths students MERGA (special interest group) University of Limerick, Loughborough University: Maths support Swinburne University: Maths support!
ESER group, Electronic communication Ink chat tutorials MSN Messenger (Windows Live Messenger)
ESER group, Web conferencing software Operations Research
ESER group, Electronic marking Word DOC files PPT files XLS files PDF files
ESER group, Tablet PC Project (L&T Fellowship) Staff component: Approx 5,500 students taught in S1 2009: All faculties, plus library 30+ lecturer interviews transcribed, feedback, forum posts, reflections, publications Student tablet PC component: 30 mini tablets
ESER group, Other input devices
ESER group, Other input devices
ESER group, University of Queensland ACTS lab 100 student tablet screens $2.5M
ESER group, University of Queensland ACTS lab