Homework in class 4
What homework do they get! What is expected. Reading The children in class 4 are expected to read each night and complete their reading record which can be then checked the next day in class. Spellings. Each Wednesday they have a spelling test. Times table Wednesday they are tested on their tables. Mental Maths. Each Friday they have a mental maths/ tables test. Getting ready to write. Each week the children are asked to prepare their big write. Science The main science lesson is on a Thursday and class 4 now receive a piece of home work based on the topics studied. Topic. The children are encouraged to research a question they have written themselves relating to the topic.
Reading All the children in class 4 have a reading book which is either a book on one of the schemes or a library book. Try to listen to your child reading each day and discuss what they have read. Encourage your child to read other materials at home for example recipes, film reviews, jokes etc It is important to talk about what they have read.
In order to become skilled at maths you have to practice! The more you practice, the more skilled you become. The more skilled you become, the more your confidence grows. Confidence is like a seed. Plant it in the right soil, care for it for a while, and it will grow into something awesome.
I went into the Post Office to post a letter to America, and was served by a young lad who couldn't have been much older than my own son (at that time around 13). The cost was £1.90. I gave him a £10 note and waited for my change. How much was I given ?
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Helping your child with writing. Each week the children are asked to write a BIG WRITE (Thursday morning). They are given a prompt sheet to take home on the Wednesday afternoon, so that they can ‘prepare to write’. Encourage your child to think about the vocabulary and punctuation they could include in their piece of work. They could ‘magpie’ using their reading book, a book or web site at home.