Research question: Does the use of ICT in Maths lessons increase the engagement and motivation of low ability students?
Context of research O 8WF O Difficult topics can cause decreased motivation O Exploration of Smart and other ICT tools/software
Method O 3 lesson statistics investigation ‘Do better reaction times make you better at video games?’ O Lesson 1 – Use of Xbox Kinect O Lesson 2 – Using excel for graphs/film clips O Lesson 3 – Creating a report Student perception of engagement O Pre and post investigation questionnaire (like scale) O Focus group interviews for in depth info Teacher/LSA assessment of engagement O Comparison of previous work from focus group O Observations of focus group during lessons
Student perception of engagement 8WF pre-investigation questionnaire analysis 1234 Q1Before Maths I feel1184 Q2During Maths I feel0464 Q3Lots of different activities0095 Q4Partners or groups00212 Q5ICT in Maths00410 Percentage of total: WF post-investigation questionnaire analysis 1234 Q1Before Maths I feel0085 Q2During Maths I feel0148 Q3Lots of different activities00310 Q4Partners or groups00013 Q5ICT in Maths0049 Percentage of total: ‘In the series of lessons there has been much better enthusiasm to learn from the students who are usually require a push to get started’ LSA
Student thoughts O Focus group interviews ‘I like to do lots of different activities in lessons as it helps to keep me on task’ ‘I feel confident using ICT so am more confident in trying the Maths’ ‘My favourite activity has been the Kinect investigation. It was learning hard topics in a fun way which made me concentrate more!’ Conclusion: Confidence through participation, participation increased through enjoyment of activities’
Teacher assessment of participation Comparisons to previous work Better effort level evident – volume of work Some students demonstrated a more in depth understanding Teacher/LSA observations during use of ICT More confidence and enthusiasm to participate in tasks Better independence in completing tasks without ‘hover’ support Students used ICT as an opportunity to support learning, previously too much writing could be a hindrance
Conclusion O Evidence from student perception and teacher assessment suggests ICT in lessons has improved motivation and the level of participation in lessons
What’s next? Track the engagement and motivation of these students when ICT is used Repeat the research: Does increased motivation effect achievement/learning scores? Focussed observations of lessons with/without ICT