Earth Charter —Adaptation for younger children— photo: Nerea Aneas
Photographic work made by 12 years old pupils from BLANQUERNA Primary Shool (A, B i C classes) Project “Know and live the Earth Charter” Marratxí, Mallorca School Year photo: Jean L. Orjuela
photo: Rode Expósito The Earth is our home! What must we do?
RESPECT and CARE FOR LIVING THINGS photo: Xavier Mercadal
photo: Emma Guardia Know about and respect people, animals and plants (1st article)
photo: Tamara Mas Treat people, animals and plants well (2nd article)
Help your companions and give them your friendship (3rd article) photo: Jesus Estan
You can help see to it that more people enjoy good and beautiful things (4th article)
photo: Rode Expósito Admire how plants, animals and people live (5th article)
photo: Xavier Mercadal Keep the place where you live clean (6th article)
Always respect the life of any living thing, people’s rights and the well-being of everybody (7th article) photo: Emma Guardia
photo: Cristina Granados Learn about the place where you live, appreciate it and share what you know (8th article)
photo: Jesus Estan You will help to see that there are no poor (9th article)
photo: Jesus Estan Help others so that they can live better (10th article)
photo: Jesus Estan Boys and girls are equally important (11th article)
Always defend the idea that any child should have - food to eat, - a house, - a family, - rest, - a school, - friends, - play and happiness - and (if they are ill) a doctor and medicine (12th article)) photo: Jesus Alvarez
photo: Xavier Mercadal NO TO WAR, YES TO PEACE !
photo: Jesus Estan Make an effort to see that there is no fighting where you live (13th article)
photo: Jesus Estan Study, paying special attention to things which help you to get along with other people (14th article)
Look after and respect other people, animals and plants (15th article) photo: Teresa Yan Zhixin
You will help to see that people live in peace ! (16th article)
photo: José Manuel Marín We will make a small effort every day to change the bad things into good things. We will treat Everybody well and share better what we have
If we work together we can improve the world a lot because everybody is useful and can help ! photo: Xavier Mercadal
photo: Rafel Duran The Earth Charter must be law for all countries and all peoples