By: Jain kolone.
My life is a rollercoaster it goes up and down then around and around. I have good and bad times. I have 4 sisters: Kaytlin,Litia,Ashlie and Pasa and I have 1 brother: Ben.
FAMILY… I love my family they are nice, kind and to be honest they are sometimes mean. The oldest girl is Pasa she is sometimes nice and kind too but I kind of make her mad. My other sisters are kind of the same but that’s family. I love my family they are nice, kind and to be honest they are sometimes mean. The oldest girl is Pasa she is sometimes nice and kind too but I kind of make her mad. My other sisters are kind of the same but that’s family.
Things I LIKE!!!! I love playing hockey, touch and others but there’s to much to write down. I love singing at home I make my own songs but I don’t sing it to anyone only to my friend.
MY TEST’S… In my spelling group is piwakawaka: Shyanne, Faaasu, Ranesh, Ricky, Pati, and me. I’m doing well in my spelling group. The first time we have done it, it was kind of easy for me. In my maths group it’s easy for me. I was suppose to be in room 16 but there was to many people so I’m in room 14 now. In maths we have quick but easy questions up to 50 and I always get them right.
MY GOALS FOR MATHS!!! To write whole numbers / decimals problem using +,-, x,/:(20.25). Solve problems of the type ( x + 15 – 39) Write/solve story problems involving ½. ¼.1/3. & 1/5. This is how I am going to achieve it: I will write the whole number of any problem solving, I will write and solve the number story, and all I can do is try my best. I am going to know all of this because I am going to practice at school and at home maybe with my dad and sisters.
MY TEST’S AND MORE. This one is my Basic facts test: I got 47 out of 100 it’s okay but I know I can do better then 47. I need to learn more and I need to pratie at school and at home with my family.
MY FRIENDS AT O.I.S!!! I have lot’s of friends at school they are so nice and kind to me like I am to them. Sometimes they are mean to me but we get over it. Nearly my whole class are my friend’s.
Thank you for watching my slideshow!!!!!!!