Bay Area NET Guard Working Group Agenda – July 27 Briefing on FEMA National NET Guard Workshop Needs assessment and prioritization survey Discussion of next steps: –Facilitator/scheduler volunteer –Timing of next conference call
Preliminary Needs Assessment Building NET Guard in Silicon Valley: –Kick-off meeting at Intel HQ with 40 attendees on April 19 th –Joint program of InfraGard SF Bay chapter and Calif. Resiliency Alliance –Discuss scope
Survey Purpose: Assess local government, non-profit and service organizations and citizen community group communication and IT needs during a disaster, identify gaps and determine how a NET Guard team could fill priority requirements. Population To Be Surveyed: –Local Governments: Emergency Manager Leads for each ESF, particularly #6, Mass Care Leads for mission areas, particularly areas serving the public, e.g. shelters, evacuation, public communication/alerts and warnings, recovery areas Leads for ITC response and recovery NIMS/EOC leads from past disasters Human Services Department leads for populations that may need targeted communications
Survey (con’t.) –Non-Profit and Service Organizations: SF CARD, East Bay CARD, CADRE, THRIVE and other State, Regional, Community Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (American Red Cross, Salvation Army, Food Banks) Organizations coordinating donations and support for other service organizations (United Way, Community Foundations) Organizations that provide essential services but are not response organizations, e.g. Meals on Wheels, organizations managing homeless or transitional shelters, organizations providing volunteer services to seniors, persons with disabilities, mental health providers –Citizen Community Groups: Neighborhood Associations/Homeowner Associations Interfaith Councils and individual faith organizations Neighborhood based volunteer teams affiliated with local government like CERT, Neighborhood Watch, et. –Other: Critical Infrastructure (businesses, utilities, other) Small Businesses
Survey (con’t) Options for Conducting the Survey: –Research Existing Data (e.g. Disaster After-Action Reports, etc.) –Focus Group Interview (umbrella organizations, key leaders, etc.) –Key Informant Interview (in-person, phone or virtual) –Survey Tool (e.g. Survey Monkey) Survey Instrument: –Questionnaire (Sample question examples available download and refinement by sector leaders) –Interview Facilitator’s Guide (Introduction of NET Guard, recommendations on data collection, etc.) Data Collection and Analysis: –Organizational Information (e.g. Contact Information, Geographic Area Served, Targeted Population, Program Focus and Service Capacity) –Resource Inventory of Existing ITC Capabilities –Gap Analysis of Met and Un-Met Needs Application of Results to NET Guard Design
Next Steps Phases: –Phase 1: Needs Assessment Survey and Prioritization –Phase 2: Identify Local Resources and Recruit Volunteers –Phase 3: Deployment Protocols Volunteer for Working Group Facilitator or Chair –Schedule conference calls-webinars Next Conference Call