Students will be able to identify the 6 main parts of a flower. Students will be able to explain the 6 main parts of a flower. Students will be able to explain flesh fruit and dry fruits and know their examples
Exchange pollen Achieve fertilization Produce seeds
Sepals ◦ Green parts that cover and protect flower bud before it opens Petals ◦ Are really leaves that are modified to attract insects for flower pollinations, the pretty part that we call flowers
Stamens ◦ Males flower parts that includes: Filament ◦ Short stalk that holds up the anther Anther ◦ A sac-like structure that contains pollen, the males sex cells
Pistil ◦ The female flower part that includes Ovules ◦ The eggs or female sex cells that become seeds if fertilized Ovary ◦ If fertilized becomes a fruit or seed coat Style ◦ Holds up the stigma and connects it to the ovary Stigma ◦ Sticky part on top of style where insects leave pollen
Complete Flowers ◦ Has sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils Incomplete Flowers ◦ Lacks 1or more organs; sepals, petals, stamens, or pistil Perfect Flowers ◦ Both stamen and pistil Imperfect Flowers ◦ Has stamen or pistil
You and a partner will make a poster of complete, incomplete, perfect, and imperfect flowers You need to the following: ◦ Cross section drawing of each flower and labeled Male parts Female parts Petals Sepals ◦ Find 5 examples of each flower ◦ Must have color and been seen from far away
Encloses the seeds of angiosperms Protects the seed Means of dispersal of the seed Ripened, seed-bearing plant ovaries Varied form, color, size, texture and number Aids in identification
Fleshy Fruits Fleshy Simple Fruits Fleshy Aggregate Fruits Fleshy Multiply Fruits
Soft pericarp that overs the stone Berries ◦ Soft outside with soft insides Hesperidiums ◦ Semi-hard outside and soft inside Pepos ◦ Tough outside with soft inside Drupes or Stones ◦ With a stone or pit inside Pomes ◦ Soft outside with hard inside
Soft outside but looks like a cluster of berries Polydrupes ◦ Clusters of berries
Compound independent flowers ◦ Figs ◦ Pineapples
You and a partner will make a poster of all 3 fleshy fruit types You need to the following: ◦ Each type of fruit in the fleshy family ◦ Define each ◦ Find 5 examples of each ◦ Must have color and been seen from far away