Marion Technical College Megan Vertucci
Marion, Ohio Profile Marion, OH 45 miles north of Columbus Population: 36,689 86.7% White 1.1% foreign born 79.3% high school diploma or GED 9.9% bachelor’s degrees (25+) $32,431 median income 28.4% below poverty line Marion County, Population: 66,238 91.7% White 1.3% foreign born 84% high school diploma or GED 12.4% bachelor’s degrees (25+) $41,337 median income 18.5% below poverty line
MTC Profile Our Students ~ 2500 students Average age is % female; 36% male 48% live in Marion County 55% attend part-time 60% work while attending college 86% day students; 14% evening students Our Graduates ~260 May 11, % employed in technology 56% full time 74% directly related to field 70% Heath have full-time employment (13% part-time) 67% Engineering full-time employment