mountains up the east coast Alps in north with passages surrounded by water GEOGRAPHY
Patricians Landowners Made the law Plebeians Farmers Followed the law? CLASS SYSTEM
Aeneas Romulus and Remus FOUNDING OF ROME
Latin settlers built along the Tiber river Etruscan kings from the north took over Greek colonies in the south HISTORICAL FOUNDING OF ROME
wealthy land owners overthrew the king, established a republic Senate-controlled public funds and foreign policy Dictators could rule for 6 months in times of emergency Magistrates=consuls (chief executive), praetors (commanders, judges), censors (bureaucrats) ROMAN REPUBLIC GOVERNMENT
SimilaritiesDifferences LIKE OURS OR NOT?
every man who owned land was required to serve in the army legionnaires ARMY
-benevolently, cities around Rome granted full citizenship, city- states further away were granted partial citizenship far away territories remained independent, but had to supply troops for the Roman army and land for Roman farmers RULING CONQUERED AREAS
1 st - largely a naval war (Rome built off a model Carthaginian ship), Rome forced Carthage to give up Sicily 2 nd - Hannibal marched across the Alps into Italy and won many victories, laying waste to the countryside, Romans invaded Carthage and Scipio defeated Hannibal, Spanish colonies ceded to Rome 3 rd - mostly for revenge, Carthage sieged and destroyed PUNIC WARS
Senate gained a lot of control Gracchi (Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus) tried land reforms and subsidizing food both were violently killed EXPANSION CHANGES GOVERNMENT
equites gained status as middle class merchants soldiers forced to sell land because it was destroyed and they did not have the money to repair it Social Wars (allies wanted more political power), they lost the war but won their rights WEAKENING REPUBLIC
First Triumvirate – Julius Caesar, Gnaeus Pompey, and Licinius Crassus Caesar became a successful general in Gaul Crassus died in battle Pompey ordered Caesar back to Rome without his army Caesar came back with his army, Pompey fled to Greece where he was defeated FIRST TRIUMVIRATE
Marc Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus (Caesar’s second in command) Lepidus forced to retire Antony took the east part of the empire Octavian the west Octavian convinced the Senate to go to war against Antony, defeating him and Cleopatra at the battle of Actium SECOND TRIUMVIRATE
Octavian became Augustus (“revered one”), first Roman emperor CAESAR AUGUSTUS
strong government unifying law code that could be updated and interpreted good trade and transportation (roads for army) could become citizen by enlisting in the army STRENGTHS OF EMPIRE
a few rich people and many poor people slaves were unnecessary due to cheap labor, but showed status boys were taught in schools Roman emperor was the head of the religion gladiators were entertainment ROMAN SOCIETY
Aqueducts Galen’s medical knowledge Ptolemy’s theory of astronomy (geocentric) TECHNOLOGIES
Roman emperor that split the empire into east and west drove out barbarians tried to impose wage and price controls DIOCLETIAN
money loses its value while prices continue to rise countries unstable because their international standing decreases (they can get less stuff) INFLATION
Germanic invaders lack of expansion (no additional flow of money) political and military weakness social change (apathy toward the government) DECLINE OF ROME