1 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Nicolas (Ghana) & Phuong (Vietnam)
STRATEGIES FOR PHM 1. Capacity Building on Occupation Health & Safety - Identification of existing national policy/regulation on occupational health and safety - Linkage with any international organization- eg ISO –(EMS) - Working with the workers organization – trade unions, associations (esp. registered ones) 2
2. Enforcement of policies/regulations on occupational &health safety - Strengthening inspectorates / agencies (EPAs, FZBs, F&Sacts) - Monitoring & evaluation mechanism of these agencies 3
3. Manufacturing and Factory Level – - Monitoring and assessment of environment of the workplaces - Annual medical examination (check- ups) for workers in general (depend on occupation) - National gov’t to involve private companies (investors) to adhere to OSH regulations 4
3. Manufacturing and factory (cont’d) - Provision of adequate and effective personal protective equipment (PPEs) - Educative information for both employees and employers (incl. govt): knowledge OH, ODs, on usage and benefits of PPEs. (handbook on occupational hazards at the places) 5
4. PHM- ROLE IN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH &SAFETY – (Global Perspective) - Knowledge, information and understanding of OSH situations in different countries - Collaboration between PHM as a movement and WHO/ILO to have a global action plans on OSH 6
4. (Cont’d) - Global campaign on occupational health based on different geographical areas ( developed, developing & under- developed) - PHM must broaden / expand its base to include organized labour (country / regional / global level) - PHM website should highlight worst forms of occupational Health and safety 7