Welcome Back to School! Renee Devlin District Science Coordinator K-12 Green Team Environmental Action Advisor
Materials/Policies Textbook Hole’s Human Anatomy & Physiology, 11/e. Anatomy Coloring Book (suggested) Evaluation This is a college preparatory course, so there is a test at the end of each chapter or unit. A comprehensive final exam will be given in June. Grading Tests/quizzes are 75% of your marking period grade; Labs, Projects and homework total to 25%. Homework Please plan on a minimum of 30 minutes of homework each night.
Materials/Policies (continued) Clinic Students must make an appointment via . I am available for AM and PM clinic. Conduct Students are expected to treat others with respect and follow all rules outlined in the student handbook. Absences Find out what was missed when you were absent and complete it within a period equal to the length you were out. Check the “bin” for missed worksheets. If you are out during a test day, you must take the test after school on the day you return. Failure to make up work in the allotted time results in a zero. Labs must be made up within one week from absence. ID tests, next day back in class. Cheating Cheating is copying of someone’s work and representing it as your own. Plagiarism is a form of cheating.
Syllabus an emphasis of a 3=heavy emphasis, 2=moderate, 1=little ChapterTitleEmphasisTiming 1 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology 3 MP 1 2 Chemical Basis of Life 2 3 Cells 1 4 Cellular Metabolism 2 5 Tissues 3 6 Skin and the Integumentary System 2 7 Skeletal System 3 MP 2 8 Joints of the Skeletal System 3 9 Muscular System 3 10 Nervous System I 2 MP 3 11 Nervous System II 2 12 Somatic and Special Senses 3 13 Endocrine System 3 14 Blood 3 15 Cardiovascular System 3 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity 2 17 Digestive System 3 MP 4 18 Nutrition and Metabolism 1 19 Respiratory System 2 20 Urinary System 2 21 Water, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance 1 22 Reproductive Systems 2 23 Pregnancy Growth and Development 1 24 Genetics and Genomics 1
Assessments CR School District recognizes the need for regular student assessment. Assessment can take many forms: class work, homework, reports, projects, student writing, student performance, quizzes, teacher-developed tests, department/district tests, mid-term and final exams, and standardized tests. Teachers will provide the opportunity to review assessments in a classroom setting. After this review, students are encouraged to share the responsibility for their own learning by taking advantage of the following methods of preparing for future assessments: clinic, resources posted on the teacher’s web site and distributed in class, self -monitoring through academic notebooks, logs, or charting that records areas mastered and those in need of review. When appropriate, teachers will return assessments to students; however, for reasons of test integrity, not all assessments will be sent home. Parents may always schedule an appointment with the teacher to review assessments.
Activities Dissections rat, cat (system by system), organs – heart, brain, eye Histology prepared tissue slides Lab Kits for Physiology senses, respiration, urinalysis, blood (simulated urine & blood, blood typing) Disease Presentation Laser Disc Physiology (35275 – Heart: Blood flow and – Skeleton) Case Studies
Activities (cont.) Clinical Occupational Edible Model Current events (more on this) Guest Speakers (any volunteers?) Field Trip Mutter Museum & Hahnemann Hospital.
Current Events (2 per MP) Must relate to unit being studied to earn an extra point May be taken from a 2011 publication (magazine or pamphlet, current weeks newspaper) Must be different from each student Must be typed using a 12 point standard font, no more than one page in length Must include relevancy to class content & a personal reflection/opinion Must include a copy of the article when presented 10 points each
Organization + Effort = Success Remember~ What you put in to something is what you get out