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آدميزاده طرفه معجوني است كز فرشته سرشته وز شيطان گر رود سوي اين شود كم از اين گر رود سوي آن شود به از آن حكيم سنايي
The Management of Human Resources in Lab. Dr M.H.Ghahamani, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Paramedical College The Management of Human Resources in Lab. Dr M.H.Ghahamani, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Paramedical College
Introduction The most important resources for a manager in the lab are human resources. The way a manager makes use these resources depends on his management skills. At first, a lab manager should establish a lab culture. for this purpose: The most important resources for a manager in the lab are human resources. The way a manager makes use these resources depends on his management skills. At first, a lab manager should establish a lab culture. for this purpose:
Being a leader. You are well trained for what you are doing! Scientific know-how. Scientific know-how. Organizational ability. Organizational ability. Communication skills. Communication skills. Resilience. Resilience.
Being busy is not the same as being productive! Don’t do anything twice!
Nurturing a lab culture: build a framework. Science first! Science first! Transparent communication and clear expectations. Transparent communication and clear expectations. Establish a work ethic. Establish a work ethic. Make ethics part of the package. Make ethics part of the package. Build trust with predictability. Build trust with predictability. Make the lab a home away from home. Make the lab a home away from home.
So to establish lab culture, a proper relationship should exist between the manager and personel through: 1- Honsety and diginity 2- Clarity and expressing of expectations 3- Showing care and interest in personnel destiny by proper tacts 4- Justice and lack of discrimination 5- Respect to personnel and reward for their success 6- Holding regular meetings about the lab 7- Regular scientific sessions 8- Constant supervision
Not part of the technical training… Good listening CompassionIntegritySelf-awareness Emotional intelligence Social intelligence
Small talk isn’t so small. It bridges the gap for those who want to communicate, but need a safe place to start. It bridges the gap for those who want to communicate, but need a safe place to start. It shows you are interested in that person, even if you won’t be probing deeper. It shows you are interested in that person, even if you won’t be probing deeper. It gives you time to understand the other person. It gives you time to understand the other person. It allows time to relax before uncomfortable business. It allows time to relax before uncomfortable business.
Maintaining lab morale. Make the lab feel part of the bigger world of science, especially through down times. Make the lab feel part of the bigger world of science, especially through down times. Help each person feel part of the lab: don’t let anyone be marginalized. Help each person feel part of the lab: don’t let anyone be marginalized. Be vigilant about inside and outside influences. Be vigilant about inside and outside influences. Encourage social interactions. Encourage social interactions.
Show interest and caring. (Have interest and caring.) You have to want what is best for the person. You have to want what is best for the person. You have to show that you are trying. You have to show that you are trying. You show you care by listening, by responding appropriately, by consideration. You show you care by listening, by responding appropriately, by consideration.
Make communication an essential part of the culture. What to communicate: Results, funding decisions, your thoughts. What to communicate: Results, funding decisions, your thoughts. How to communicate: Conversation, s, meetings. How to communicate: Conversation, s, meetings. When to communicate: Always. When to communicate: Always. What not to communicate: Feelings and emotions about other lab members and labs. What not to communicate: Feelings and emotions about other lab members and labs.
Traditions: a chance to cement the lab together….. Celebrate scientific victories: Paper accepted. Grant awarded. Thesis defense. Promotion and new jobs. Celebrate marriages,birthdays, holidays. Retreats. Happy hours, tutoring, fundraising.
Encourage collaboration. Put new people to work with more experienced ones. Put new people to work with more experienced ones. Facilitate collaborations outside the lab. Facilitate collaborations outside the lab. Maintain collaborations with lab members who have left the lab. Maintain collaborations with lab members who have left the lab. Collaboration contract! Collaboration contract!
Organizing the lab: let the physical reflect the philosophical. The lab manual The lab manual Stocks Stocks Ordering Ordering Lab notebooks Lab notebooks Lab jobs. Lab jobs. Meetings. Meetings.
Be careful with your emotions with lab members. You are the head of the lab- it is not an equal relationship. You are the head of the lab- it is not an equal relationship. Getting too personal: anger is also intimacy. Getting too personal: anger is also intimacy. Avoid passive-aggressive remarks, tantrums, mood swings. Avoid passive-aggressive remarks, tantrums, mood swings.
LISTEN Don’t talk so much.
Personnel employment : The success of the manager of lab depends on his/ her Personell. it is important to consider that bad people are much worse than no people. The success of the manager of lab depends on his/ her Personell. it is important to consider that bad people are much worse than no people.
Bad people are much worse than no people!!!
Find the right people. Success will depend more on the people in your lab than on anything else. Know what you need- but be flexible. Know what you need- but be flexible. Know what you can’t tolerate. Know what you can’t tolerate. Work with Human Resources. Work with Human Resources. Follow your own hiring protocol. Follow your own hiring protocol.
A hiring protocol: assessing technical skills, people skills, and motivation. 1- Recieive applications with resumes 2- Evaluate the resumes : approve or reject 3- Contact refrencess 4- Interview candidates and select the best 5- Determine a probabation period to re- evaluate
Hiring lessons. Don’t talk so much during interviews. Don’t talk so much during interviews. Follow your gut reaction. Follow your gut reaction. Hire for character, not for technical expertise. Hire for character, not for technical expertise. Don’t hire people who are self- centered, arrogant, can’t get along with others…. Don’t hire people who are self- centered, arrogant, can’t get along with others…. Make your expectations clear. Make your expectations clear. Call all recommendees. Call all recommendees.
Promation of scientific level of the lab: 1- Continious education 2- Taking part in academic seminars 3- Taking part in internal seminars 4- Encouragement and punishment
Evaluating lab members performace: 1- Self evaluation 2- Formal evaluation 3- Informal evaluation 4- day – to – day feed back 5- Presentation of a subject or an article
Evaluating lab member’s performances towards goals. DOCUMENT DOCUMENT BE CONSTRUCTIVE BE HONEST BE HONEST
The kindness of being critical.. Be constructively critical.. Be constructively critical. Follow up- Follow up-
Stay vigilant: watch out of signs of the dysfunctional lab. Constant or sudden loss of personnel. Constant or sudden loss of personnel. Rules, such as safety rules, are ignored. Rules, such as safety rules, are ignored. Attendance at lab meetings falls. Attendance at lab meetings falls. Deadlines aren’t kept. Deadlines aren’t kept. Friendships among lab members are sparse. Friendships among lab members are sparse. Signs of discrimination against a person or group of persons, such as exclusion, hostility,, scapegoating. Signs of discrimination against a person or group of persons, such as exclusion, hostility,, scapegoating.
The indications of dysfunctioning in lab: 1- Sudden or gradual loss of personne 2- Lack of enough care 3- A drop in attendance in lab meetings 4- Problems in relations and sparse friendship Discrimination
Common lab disputes negotiations!
Intervention, when: The mental or physical health of any person in the lab is at stake. The mental or physical health of any person in the lab is at stake. A dispute is affecting the lab member’s ability to do their functions. A dispute is affecting the lab member’s ability to do their functions. A power struggle puts your leadership into jeopardy. A power struggle puts your leadership into jeopardy.
Firing: Only when necessary. this issue must be well Considered. Only when necessary. this issue must be well Considered.
Firing must be well thought out. Speak with Human Resources. Speak with Human Resources. Know what makes firing necessary. Know what makes firing necessary. Warn the person first. Warn the person first. Document. Document. Consult the institution’s lawyer. Consult the institution’s lawyer. Do it by script, firmly. Do it by script, firmly.
Reasons for firing: 1-Incompetence 2-Trouble making 3-Fraud4-Insubordination
In firing the manager should: 1- Know firmly the reason of firing 2- Speak with the human resources 3- Warn the person first 4- Document the reasons 5- Consult with a lawyer 6- Do it in written form and firmly
Conclusion: Among the variant resources for lab management, human resources are very important. Managing human resources needs many Qualifications which should be Followed by the manager. Among the variant resources for lab management, human resources are very important. Managing human resources needs many Qualifications which should be Followed by the manager.
The end.
هر آن كسي كه در اين حلقه نيست زنده به عشق بر او نمرده به فتواي من نماز كنيد بر او نمرده به فتواي من نماز كنيدحافظ
ما همه درآزمایشگاه گیتی زاده ایم یک دوروزی آزمون را در بلا افتاده ایم هر چه دادند از ازل مارا همه خون دل است گـویـی ا ز اول زبـهـر آزمـایِـش زا د ه ا یـــم قسـمـت مـا زامـتحـان ا یــن جـهــا ن پـر بــلا آزمایشگاهی است که پا در او بنهاده ایم چون که ان مه پاره را دیدیم در روز الست روز وشب همراز عشق و هم نفس با باده ایم آزمایش محمل عشق است ما را سوی دوست زین سبب از بهر خدمت بی دریغ ایستاده ایم ای خــدا در ازمـا یـش سـر فـرازی ده که ما کــارها از آزمایش بهر خود بگشاده ایم شادی قلب مریضان پر از رنج و تعب بدرقـه ما کـن که بی بـرگ و نـوا افـتا ده ا یـم محمد حسين قهرماني