Field monitors and Citizen journalists training day 2 By Aasim Zafar Khan
Recap of Day 1: Mock situational exercises, being reported in real time into a group via the FB app
TWITTER Twitter is an online social media platform, also known as a micro- blogging service that enables users to send and read text messages of up to 140 characters. These messages are known as tweets. Twitter stats: Over 500 million registered users, over 340 million tweets per day, over 1.6 billion search queries per day.
TWITTER To help you understand, Twitter is like a continuously updated Face book wall. Only messages from the people you choose to follow show up on your screen, and yours only show up on those who follow you. Steps: Build your profile (interactive) Follow users of interest (interactive)
TWITTER Start sending tweets! (interactive) Important twitter commands: Follow, un-follow and block Reply and RT Hash-tags (VITAL) What to do when there is no GPRS signal?
GOOGLE ALERTS Google alerts are updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc), based entirely on your queries Uses of Google alerts: Monitoring a developing story Keeping current on a competitor or an industry of interest Getting the latest on personalities
Google documents Google documents is microsoft word, excel and powerpoint built into a USB on the web! Coupled with Google drive, which is a cloud based storage mechanism, google documents allows you to save, edit and share documents with users online, without the need of storing them offline Google documents and drive allows you to keep all your important documents in a cloud based service and edit, share them online.
DROPBOX Dropbox is a free, cross platform, cloud based file storage mechanism Dropbox exists on the web, on your desktop and your mobile phone. Any file you add to any of these platforms will be automatically synchronized on all the other dropbox clients. A public folder is also available so that files that need to be shared with people is possible
DROPBOX Steps: 1.Create a drop-box account on a laptop 2.Install drop-box on your android phone 3.Put files into your drop-box folder 4.Add files to the public drop-box folder 5.Share public link of files added into the public folder
Journalism 101 What are the ethics of journalism? (interactive exercise) Accuracy Difference between fact and opinion Plagarism Honesty Privacy Transparency
Do’s and don’ts of a story WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY and HOW 5 of the 6 will do, 6 of 6 will be best. Information needs to be full and impartial, independent and accurate Give equal time and coverage to all parties Do not use inflammatory language Do not take sides Do not exaggarate