CARSAM Quick Reference Guide for Users May 2012 CORPORATE ACCOUNT RECONCILIATION Manager Approval Training.


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Presentation transcript:

CARSAM Quick Reference Guide for Users May 2012 CORPORATE ACCOUNT RECONCILIATION Manager Approval Training

Current Functions: CAR Log In & NavigationPage 3 Manager ApprovalPage 5 Running ReportsPage 10 Search TransactionsPage 11 Contents This guide is designed to help you perform key functions in CAR by displaying the comprehensive steps for manager approvals of cardholders transactions. This required process meets audit requirements of oversight of Pcard spending. The goal is to move completely to online approval of transactions and receipts, replacing the paper system used in SAM. 2

Log In & Navigation: CAR To log in to CAR, go to (A) Enter your user ID and password, and click on Log In (B). You will see a screen with instructions to wait and a pop up box (C) showing your connection status. 3 B B A A C C 1

The Card Data (D) tab allows you to drill down and view transactions for any cycle. The status (or first S column) (E) shows if the transaction has been reviewed (green check mark) or reallocated (blue check mark). Numbers (F) in the next few columns indicate who has touched a transaction: “1” for the Cardmember (C column) reviewing or reallocating it and “2” for the Cardmember Manager (CM column) approving it. Users also have the ability to see accounting elements (G) tied to a transaction D D F F E E G G Login & Navigation: CAR (continued)

Manager Approval: CAR In CAR, as in SAM, manager’s need to review accounting information for newly posted transaction submitted by cardholders. CAR allows you to review information such as accounting codes online as well as review receipts tied to each transaction. Select the name of the cardholder whose transaction(s) you wish to review (A). Access the individual transactions by clicking on Card Data (B). 5 1 A A B B

Manager Approval: CAR (continued) Transactions for the current cycle are displayed (C). Select the individual transaction you wish to review by clicking on each line (D). Detailed information for each transaction is displayed (E). 6 2 C C D D E E

Manager Approval: CAR (continued) Information can be accessed by clicking on the tabs in the transaction detail section. Merchant information, additional transaction details such as comments, and tax information can be accessed by clicking the applicable tab (F). Line item details can be viewed by clicking on (G). Uploaded receipts for each transaction can be viewed under tab labeled receipts (H). Click on the approval button (I) to approve each highlighted transaction. 7 4 F F G G H H I I

Manager Approval: TIP #1 Multiple transactions can be approved at once by highlighting each line with ctrl-click and the clicking the approval button (A). 8 1 A A

Manager Approval: Tip #2 Receipts can be reviewed online by clicking on a transaction (A). Individual receipts for the transaction will appear below (B). Clicking on the receipt will open a new window to display the receipt that was uploaded by the cardholder (note: ensure that pop-ups are allowed in your browser for the receipts to open) 9 2 F F G G H H I I A A B B

Running Reports: CAROptional In CAR, you can access the same sets of data you can in SAM using the search features to drill down to the data you want to view. You can also export the data using the Export (A) icon on the toolbar. This action will produce a CSV file you can save to your computer in order to import into Microsoft Excel. You can also print the data in a couple of different standard formats available in CAR by using the Print (B) icon. 10 A A B B 1 2

New Features in CAR: SearchOptional Search capabilities in CAR offers a range of powerful, standard search features that all Cardmembers can take advantage of regardless of how the CAR system is configured. To get started, click on Search (A) A A

B B C C D D E E F F G G In the pop up menu, select the appropriate Search Field (B), Operator (C) and Value (D ). Note: the Search Field drop down menu defaults to show only those values based on your card data view. Select View All to retrieve all search criteria. Click Search (E). If you also click the Default Search box, your selected search will be the default view for all future logins to CAR. Click Save (F) and enter a Search Name (G ) if you want to save your query New Features in CAR: Search (continued)Optional

CAR also gives you the ability to Quick Filter (A ) the transaction data currently on your screen by simply typing inside the filter box. Additionally, CAR allows you to sort columns in ascending/descending alphabetical order by simply clicking on the column header (B). 13 A A B B 1 2