Review/articles/ Qualitative Class 9
Business Tomorrow Monday Final Presentations w/ PPT Disseminating Research Monday Completed proposals Revisions possible
Contrasting Quantitative and Qualitative Paradigms …holds implications for method, purpose, and role of the researcher… (Glesne, 1999) Quantitative Positivist Concerns Reality exists as a relatively fixed entity that is external to the individual Social facts have objective reality Discrete variables can be identified and objectively measured Qualitative Interpretivist Constructivist Reality is socially constructed by the participants in their settings Variables are interwoven, and difficult to measure
Researcher’s Role in Quantitative and Qualitative Paradigms (Glesne, 1999) Researcher detached A non-participant Strives for objective interpretation of findings Qualitative Researcher personally involved Participation may vary greatly Strives for interpretation and understanding while acknowledging subjectivity – tries to balance credibility with empathic interpretation and personal insight
Other General Characteristics of Qualitative Research Holistic Perspective Study topic is a complex system that is more than the sum of parts. Interactions of phenomenon Type of Data Detailed, thick description, quotations Dynamic Systems Attention to process vs. product, change is constantly occurring in the individuals and setting Design Flexibility Methodology is adapted as the research unfolds, new participants may be added, new questions may arise
Approaches to Qualitative Research Ethnography Goal is to obtain an holistic picture of a society, group, institution, setting, situation… ‘Emic’ perspective – an insider’s perception of reality Culture – the sum of a group’s social patterns, customs, ways of life; the ideas, beliefs, and knowledge that characterize a particular group Emphasis on social interaction Many data sources (e.g., interviews, observations/field notes, key informants, artifacts, are used)
Approaches to Qualitative Research Phenomenological Study Investigating experiences (e.g., reactions/perceptions) individuals have when faced with a particular phenomenon Focus is on lived experience and subjective/personal meaning In-depth interviews are prominent
Approaches to Qualitative Research Case Study Can be of an individual, a class, a school, a program, a particular event, a particular activity, etc. Intrinsic case study – interested in understanding a specific individual/situation Instrumental case study – interest in studying a particular case as a means towards a larger goal Multiple case study – more than one case…
Approaches to Qualitative Research Grounded Theory Purpose is to inductively generate a theory grounded in data systematically gathered and analyzed Employs ‘constant comparative method’ – continual interplay among researcher, data, and theory – continuously revising in light of new evidence Categories/themes are created, logically analyzed in light of data and discarded or accepted by the researcher Interviews are common for data collection
Approaches to Qualitative Research Mixed Methodology Incorporating both quantitative and qualitative methodology Triangulation – collect both quantitative and qualitative to compare results… Explanatory – Collect and analyze quantitative data, then follow up by collecting qualitative data to refine the findings Exploratory – Collect and analyze qualitative data, the follow up by collecting quantitative data to extend the findings
Qualitative Data Collection Methods Field Notes – describing the context of the research, can keep field notes and journal in same text (use brackets to differentiate one from the other) Direct Observation/Transcriptions (video/audio/live/verbal) – script taking that describes specific events, transcribing recordings is perhaps the best way to do this accurately, includes more than simply writing each word spoken, includes actions, inflections, etc. Journals (personal reflection) – higher inference, beginning of the analysis phase (starting to draw researcher inferences) Prox-em-ics/Mapping (use of social space) – diagrams of people or objects in the field – in the research space being observed
Qualitative Data Collection Methods (continued) Interviews – surveys, open-ended interviews Verbal protocol, Think Alouds – subjects describing their experience while they are in the moment, while they are doing Artifacts/pictures of artifacts Content analyses of existing documents – unobtrusive measures
Your Qualitative Articles Purpose Methodology Participants Dependent Var./Stats & Analysis Results Conclusions Opinions
Review What is the IRB? Who needs to go through this process? Human subjects training (online) Form on my website as well What is variance? What is it good for? What if the variance b/w 2 groups is different? What is standard deviation? What if it’s large? How might we attain a lower value?
Normal Curve
Review Type I & Type II error Treatment Group/Control Group They should be as _______ as possible What if they are not? Experiment: Effect of IV on the DV. Randomized pretest/posttest control group R O X O R O O (might show?)
Review Compare 2 groups of matched pairs. 2007 ACT Explore Band Student English & Math Compare 3 groups of independent samples English for 2007, 2008, 20009 You have 35 boys and 60 girls in your band. Is this reflective of the school population? Which test? List non parametric equivalent Independent samples T-Test Correlated Samples ANOVA
Review Explain correlation (define, purpose, types, etc.). What are some assumptions? What is the relationship b/w ratings by judge 3 and the final rating? What is effect size? Calculate effect size for the difference between band and non-band students on the 2009 Explore composite. What do you need to do?
Syllabus Terms Define Provide an example Create an application Teach to someone else
Development and Validation of a Music Self -Concept Inventory for College Students
Abstract The purpose of this study was to develop a music self-concept inventory (MSCI) for college students that is easy to administer and reflects the global nature of this construct. Students (N = 237) at a private college in the Midwest United States completed the initial survey, which contained 15 items rated on a five-point Likert scale. Three subscales determined by previous research included (a) support or recognition from others, (b) personal interest or desire, and (c) self-perception of music ability. Factor analysis indicated that two items did not fit the model and, therefore, were deleted. The final version of the MSCI contains 13 items and demonstrates strong internal consistency for the total scale (α = .94) and subscales (α = .83 - .92). A second factor analysis supported the model and explained 63.6% of the variance. Validity was demonstrated through correlation (r = .94) between the MSCI and another measure of music self-perception, MSCI scores and years of participation in music activities (r = .64), and interfactor correlations (r = .71 - .75) indicating three distinct factors. This instrument will be useful to researchers examining music self-concept and to college instructors who want to measure this construct among their students.
Literature Terms: Self-concept (Am I?), self-esteem (+/- ?), self-efficacy (can I?) Previous measures Schmitt (1979) Ability Influence of Others Interest Svengalis (1978) Vispoel (1993, 1994) Self-Concept is Hierarchical (global vs. specific) SC can influence motivation, self-regulation, perseverance, participation, and probably achievement
Purpose & Need The purpose of this study was to develop a brief music self-concept inventory for college students that is easy to administer, tests the three-factor model defined by Austin (1990), and demonstrates acceptable internal reliability of α ≥ .80 (e.g., Carmines and Zeller, 1979; Krippendorff, 2004). Such an instrument will be useful to researchers or college professors who want to measure music self-concept among their students.
Method The initial draft of the Music Self Concept Inventory (MSCI) consisted of 15 statements divided into three equal subscales related to (a) support or recognition from others, (b) personal interest or desire, and (c) perception of music ability (Austin, 1990). 2 pilot studies (N = 20) Main Study (N = 237) Also took SEMA (Schmitt, 1979) n = 55 Factor Analysis to confirm efficacy of the three factor model
Factor Analysis Pattern Matrix for Principal Factor Analysis with Promax Rotation of the MSCI (final version)
PSPP Limited number of tests Accurate and fast Import CSV EXCEL files Comma delimited Surveys