By: Kevin Ferrone Bob Cardarelli Linda Carter Globalization Expansion of Balk Inc.
Sound Business Strategy Globalization Why & How?
Multinational (MNC) 1980 – 1K US organizations Today – 20K US organizations Companies that Import/ Export in US 1980 – 3K US organizations Today – 90K US organizations Statistics Globalization
1 Create Urgency 2 Form a Powerful Coalition 3 Create a Vision for Change 4 Communicate the Vision Kotter’s – 8 Step Change Model Managing the Change of Expansion Expansion 5 Remove Obstacles 6 Create short- term wins 7 Build on the Change 8 Incorporate into Corporate Culture
A review of our current products and profits. [Year] sales research. Proposed new products. Costs on return and investment projections. Terms and conditions. Strategy and schedule. Sales and marketing needs. Questions and answers. More Details Later(Theories) Theories
A review of our current products and profits. [Year] sales research. Proposed new products. Costs on return and investment projections. Terms and conditions. Strategy and schedule. Sales and marketing needs. Questions and answers. More Details Later(Global Leader) Competencies
Expanding Leadership Development BALK Balk Inc.
Prepares high potentials for leadership positions in a corporate setting Learning approach Created by top executives and business school professors Simulates real-world business environment Small student teams, individualized instruction, personalized coaching Focus on individual achievement and effective collaboration Delivery Blended online and onsite program The BALK Program Balk Inc.
Mission Supply the community businesses with “ready now” leaders Vision Bridge the gap between education and employment Prepare learners stand out and excel in the workplace. Values “Recognized as the premier source of leadership development” Mission, Vision, Values Balk Inc.
Opportunities Revenue growth and business investments Capitalize on globalization trend Recognition as domain expert, thought leader Threats Competition with local institutions Changes in political climate Unforeseen external circumstances Risks and Benefits of Global Expansion Balk Inc.
OD projects are managed transparently and predictably Plans are communicated, clarified, and modified as needed Adequate resourcing is allocated Decisions are based on data, not intuition Standards of excellence are maintained Organization Development Strategy Balk Inc.
Establish reasonable growth objectives and timelines Track progress against milestones Report status accurately, regularly Be flexible and prepared to adapt changing circumstances Timelines and Progress Balk Inc.
TBD Challenges of Global Expansion Balk Inc.
73% of world’s purchasing power is outside of USA USA is no longer self-sufficient Diversity = Stability We already compete globally A Case For Globalization Balk Inc.
Challenges for a U.S. company in China Cultural Operational Leadership Intervention Overview China
Giving Opinions Cultural Challenges China
Weekend Activities China
Party China
The Boss China
Handing Problems China
Contracts Signed contract is start of the negotiation Trust is more important than signed agreements Difference in conflict management lead to expectation discrepancies Team Management Clarify Roles Offer multiple (less formal) avenues for feedback Company culture and mission They will look different! Culture – So What? China
The Internet Blocked websites & slow access to servers outside China Asynchronous communication using the cloud is difficult Distribution Channels Zhongjie (middle man) Understand hierarchy B2C is difficult and slow unless you have big $$$ The Government Setting up can be long and unclear (prepare extra time and $) “Rule by law” not “Rule of Law” Operational Issues China
Sign 3 contracts with different vendors to get 1 Lots of synchronous communication with home office is necessary Relationship(Guanxi) building is much more important for selling the product or service Operational Issues – So What? China
Must have both US, and local management Kotters 8 steps for changing an organization (very applicable for global leadership development BALK competencies of a global manager in China The Intervention – Preparing the leadership China
Germany BALK Germany
Challenges for U.S. company in Germany Cultural Labor Laws Market Overview: Germany Germany
Low Power Distance Highly Individualistic Masculine Uncertainty Avoidant Short-term Orientation Culture Germany
Challenge to authority, expertise Direct, honest, communication Detailed planning and direction Cultural Issues Germany
No employment “at will” Regulated work week Time out of office Parental leave Mass layoffs require government approval Labor Laws Germany
Performance issues are unresolved Resources unavailable during “off hours” Resources out of office for long stretches of time Labor Issues Germany
Gender Inequality Germany
National Cultural Dimensions Score Power Distance13 Individualism54 Masculinity / Femininity 47 Uncertainty avoidance 81 Long term orientation- Hofstede Model Israel
A review of our current products and profits. [Year] sales research. Proposed new products. Costs on return and investment projections. Terms and conditions. Strategy and schedule. Sales and marketing needs. Questions and answers. More Details Later Israel
ChinaGermanyIsrael Revenue Cost of Goods Gross Profit Total Expenses Pre-Tax Profit Pre-Tax Profit as Percent of Revenues 64.6%59.6%60.2% Comparison & Contrast of the Different Countries Comparison
Questions and Answers… Q & A
A review of our current products and profits. [Year] sales research. Proposed new products. Costs on return and investment projections. Terms and conditions. Strategy and schedule. Sales and marketing needs. Questions and answers. Will decide later if we want these. References