In 1942, Hooker Chemicals and Plastic Corporations (now Occidental Chemical) purchased the site of the “Love Canal.” From 1942 to 1953 Hooker Chemical disposed about 20,000 tons of mixed wastes into the “Love Canal.”
President Cater declared “The Love Canal” a federal disaster and provided funding to evacuate about 300 families living closest to the canal.
Families living around the “Love Canal” reported an increase in miscarriages, stillborn babies, cancer and other diseases. It took more than two years before the remaining families were given the resources to leave. On October 1, 1980, President Cater signed a bill that provided funding for the relocation.
The “Love Canal” crisis awakened the nation to the hazards of exposure to chemicals in our environment and opened the passage of the 1981 Superfund legislation to clean up the contaminated “Love Canal.”
The “Love Canal” was a devastating disaster that effected many families living in the Niagara Falls area. Hooker Chemical dumped 20,000 tons of chemicals into the ground. Then sold the land to the Niagara Falls School Board for 1.00 dollar all the while knowing there could be potential health effects from the toxic waste.
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