Start of FeudalismStart of Feudalism Political Organization Began due to: Collapsing Central Authority Low public revenue Declining commerce Why? The need to bring order
A New Social OrderA New Social Order Based on a system of rights and obligations Vassalage – lesser noble (vassal) pledges loyalty to a powerful noble (lord) Vassal must Give military service and loyalty Vassal gets Fief : land with peasants Primogeniture : son can inherit his father’s fief
The Feudal PyramidThe Feudal Pyramid King and Queen Church Officials and Nobles Knights Peasants
Well Defined Social ClassesWell Defined Social Classes Status determined a persons prestige and power Three main groups Those who fought (nobles, knights) Those who prayed (people of the church) Those who worked (peasants) Social class was usually inherited
Serfs Majority of people were peasants Could not lawfully leave the place where they were born Bound to the land, but not slaves Could not be bought or sold Their labor produced belonged to the lord
Manoralism Manor: the Lord’s estate Large farming estates Self – sufficient Basic economic arrangement Set of rights and obligations between a lord and his serfs Lord provides: housing and protection Serfs provide: tend to land and care for animals
Life on the ManorLife on the Manor Peasants paid a tax on all grain Any tax evasion would be considered a crime Marriage taxes Lords consent Tithe to the church Lived in crowded cottages Illness and malnutrition