Logging Service Desk calls Need ICT Help?
Contacting ICT Service Desk What information should I supply for computer or account issues What to do once your request has been logged Case closed Sample Requests we deal with Overview Need ICT Help?
Phone Via the DET Portal Contacting ICT Service Desk Need ICT Help?
Make and model ASI, Lenovo, Apple Location of the equipment (AMS code) Serial Number IP address of the device (for remote access) Computer name (for remote access) What information should I supply? Computer Problem?
Days and times you are available If you have a mobile number and are OK if helpdesk people call you on it, please provide it What troubleshooting steps have you taken and the outcome of those steps The more information you can provide about the problem the better. What information should I supply? (cont) Computer Problem?
For Student accounts Student’s full name DET Portal ID scholastic year AND roll class For Staff accounts Staff member’s full name DET Portal ID What information should I supply? User Accounts?
Label the equipment that has the fault with the incident ID (Job number) If you are not always available let someone know of the logged case. Front office staff maybe You can check the status of your call via - DET Portal – My Applications - DET ICT Service Desk - For Remote Access Only Check your DET for updates to your request What to do once your case is logged. Need ICT Help?
Keep a record of the incident ID for when the request has been resolved. Once the request has been resolved you will be notified via your DET Case Closed Need ICT Help?
Summary: School computers can not access the internet Sample Bad Request Need ICT Help? Actual problem: School computers could not see the school’s intranet page, which was set as the home page in everybody’s browser. Internet access was fine.
Symptoms: Whilst using the computer it shuts itself down. Fault finding details: Please attempt re-image. Sample Good Request Need ICT Help? Affected PC: Current IP Address: Computer name: 3588AR0001DS003. Location: 5/6C Classroom Manufacturer: HP - Compaq Serial Number: AUB5040X7 Model Name and Number: DC760 Contact Availability: 9-3:30pm