23 rd Commercial sub-committee meeting on
Reconciliation of SR UI & Reactive accounts Details of payments and disbursement of UI/Reactive energy accounts for the period to furnished to all entities on Confirmation received from AP, KPTCL, Powergrid, NTPC, NLC, ERLDC & WRLDC No comments received from others. It is compulsory to sent confirmations to comply with Audit.
Status of signing of Reconciliation statement by constituents Month UIReactiveSTOA Aug-13APYES NO Aug-13KPTCLYES NO Aug-13KSEB N/A Aug-13TNEB NO Aug-13Pondy N/A Aug-13Goa N/A Aug-13PG HVDCYESN/A Aug-13RSTPS-I&IIYESN/A Aug-13RSTPS-IIIYESN/A Aug-13SIMHADRIYESN/A Aug-13TALCHERYESN/A Aug-13NLC TS-II Stg 1YESN/A Aug-13NLC TS-II Stg 2YESN/A Aug-13NLC TS-I ExpYESN/A Aug-13NLC TS-II ExpYESN/A Aug-13LKPPL N/A Aug-13SEPL N/A Aug-13MEPL YESN/A Aug-13CTU N/A
Status of signing of Reconciliation statement by constituents Sep-13APYES NO Sep-13KPTCLYES NO Sep-13KSEB N/A Sep-13TNEB NO Sep-13Pondy N/A Sep-13Goa N/A Sep-13PG HVDCYESN/A Sep-13RSTPS-I&II N/A Sep-13RSTPS-III N/A Sep-13SIMHADRI N/A Sep-13TALCHER N/A Sep-13NLC TS-II Stg 1YESN/A Sep-13NLC TS-II Stg 2YESN/A Sep-13NLC TS-I Exp N/A Sep-13NLC TS-II ExpYESN/A Sep-13LKPPLYESN/A Sep-13SEPL N/A Sep-13MEPL YESN/A Sep-13CTU N/A
Status of signing of Reconciliation statement by constituents Oct-13AP YES NO` Oct-13KPTCL YES NO Oct-13KSEB Oct-13TNEB Oct-13Pondy Oct-13Goa Oct-13PG HVDC Oct-13RSTPS-I&II Oct-13RSTPS-IIIYES Oct-13SIMHADRI Oct-13TALCHER Oct-13NLC TS-II Stg 1 YES Oct-13NLC TS-II Stg 2 YES Oct-13NLC TS-I Exp YES Oct-13NLC TS-II Exp Oct-13LKPPL Oct-13SEPL Oct-13MEPL YES Oct-13CTU
Reconciliation of STOA disbursements For the period July 2013 to September 2013 following details have been sent to all entities –Details of payments and disbursement of STU & SLDC open Access charges –Refunds due to Curtailement Odisha started confirming. TN started for May’13 All applicants requested to verify & confirm –The Disbursements received –details of curtailment published in SRLDC website by 2 nd of every month
Confirmation of STOA disbursement receipt by STU / SLDC All STUs / SLDCs are to Check the correctness Of the disbursement and sign the receipt and send to SRLDC
Confirmation of STOA disbursement receipt by STU / SLDC TN confirmed only for one month after repeated follwoup
Out standing of UI account UI pool account NIL Reactive pool account NIL
L/C for UI payment- Default TN Yet to enhance the LC amount to Rs Crs from the existing LC of Rs 8.49 Crs as per their liability SEPL Simhapuri (SEPL) LC expired on to be renewed with validity up to LKPPL LKPPL to open LC for Rs.2.44 Lakhs due to delay in WK 40 UI payment.
Instances of delay in SEM data receipt (July13- Oct 13) ANDRA PRADESHKARNATAKAKERALA Gooty RS1Ambevadi1Moolamattom1 Kakinada1Guttur3Edamon1 KTPS( Kothagudam) 11Hoody6Manjeswaram2 Kurnool1Kadakola3TAMILNADU Malkaram2kadra3Gumminipondy1 Mamidipally3Kodasally6Mettur1 Ragulapadu1Sedam1Theni1 Sulurpet1Yerandahally4GOA VTPS5Ponda2 Xeldam2
Instances of delay in SEM data receipt (July13- Oct 13) POWERGRID (SR-1)POWERGRID (SR-2)NPCIL Cudappa2Bidadi1Kudankulam1 Gooty1Kalivanthapattu2 Hyderabad2Karaikudi1 Munirabad4Mysore1 Pugalur1 Sriperumbudur2 The status of weekly SEM data receipt as on every Monday 1700hrs and Tuesday 1200hrs is available at SRLDC website : srldc.org\commercial\ sem data receipt status Stations and SLDCs may pl check this and ensure timely data transmission
SEMs WITH TIME DRTIFT > 8 min Station NameFeeder NameSEM sl no.Time drift Remarks Alamthy (TN)230kV Side of ICT 2 (LV)NP-2480-A00:10:26Not doing corrections Alamthy (TN)230kV Side of ICT 3 (LV)NP-2537-A00:08:52Not doing corrections KKNPP400kV side of ICT 2NP-5699-A00:13:09Correction in progress KKNPP220kV side of ICT 2NP-5700-A00:17:11Correction in progress KKNPPGT-1 Main meterNP-5698-A00:18:02Correction in progress KKNPPGT-2 Main meterNP-5635-A00:26:41Not doing corrections KKNPPGT-1 Check meterNP-5636-A00:13:26Correction in progress KKNPPGT-2 Check meterNP-5634-A00:16:27Correction in progress KKNPPUnit II RATNP-5696-A00:15:34Correction in progress
PSDF Fund Transfer PeriodUI A/c. Reactive A/c. Congestion Amount (e- bidding charges) Grand Total Upto to to to to to TOTAL (all figures in Rs. Lakhs)
Start up power under UI mechanism. M/s. Coastal Energen Vide CERC order dated in petition No. 259/NP/2012 M/s. Coastal Energen have applied for availing grant of Startup power under UI mechanism ranging from 3MW to 40MW. NLDC submitted a Draft procedure to CERC. The request for Startup power would be regulated as per the Procedure Pending approval by CERC, it is proposed to allow the same with an undertaking that they would abide by CERC guidelines.
Status of weekly data submission for RRF Mechanism Karnataka Both Schedule and Actual data being received from only for 5 stations out of 10 stations namely Tuppadahalli, Kalmangi, Sidenur, Tadas, Kanbargi were furnished. Partial data is being received from other stations: Galataga,Kabbur, Soundatti, Doddavanavar (partial days), Harkanalu, SFC Shiv Solar, BPCL Shiratti
Status of weekly data submission for RRF Mechanism AP Both Schedule and Actual in respect of only two out of 9 stations namely Wind World Shapuram and Welspun Solar Pulivendula was received up to Only Schedule in respect of Beta wind farms Tadipatri, Sai Sudhir Kalyanadurg and Rayadurg is received. No data from other stations. From data was not received TN stopped submitting data from onwards
Status of white paper as per meeting held on AP, Karnataka and TN have agreed that that they would give a white paper by on the status of identification of Coordinating Agency furnishing of Schedules, Actuals etc, Other details such as contact person’s name, address, telephone No., mobile No., ID, bank account were also required to be furnished. The same were not received till date.
PoC Data for Q4 of (Jan’14-Mar’14) All the DICs has to furnish (1) the technical details of new transmission elements, generating units which are expected to commence commercial operation from January ’ 14 to March ’ 14 (2) Yearly Transmission charges (3) node wise MW/MVAR and (4) forecast generation and demand data
PoC Data for Q4 of (Jan’14-Mar’14) AP has not furnished the node wise MW/MVAR data and Load – Generation Henceforth all DICs are requested furnish the full data required for computations at least by two quarters in advance without waiting for reminders from NLDC
4.1.(c) –Due to non availability of the data of SEMs on TTPs and RATs at Kudankulam, accounthas been made by using data of SEMs of LV side of ICTs. –Once the above data received the account account was revised with out going feeders and submitted to SRPC. Also the data was sent to TN by mail. 4.1.(d) –Number of revision in Implemented schedules are due to revisions of other region ISGS,solar and STOA curtailments. -All Entities, Traders and other stake holders have to check the correctness of Schedules in the Web based Scheduling program and immediately point out the discrepancies Item proposed by TANTRANSCO
Raichur Sholapur SEMs location WR-SR import = Bhadrawati West Bus SEMs + Sholapur end SEMs + Kolhapur end SEMs (as and when it comes into service)
Annexure-1 (Refer section 6.1 (d)) of IEGC Complementary Commercial Mechanisms 16. Interfaces for Scheduling and UI Accounting In Inter- regional Exchanges: 1. The regional boundaries for scheduling, metering and UI accounting of inter-regional exchanges shall be as follows: Eastern Region end of inter-regional links between Eastern Region and Southern, Western and Northern Regions. North-eastern end of inter-regional links between Eastern and North Eastern Region Western Region end of inter-regional links between Southern and Western Region Western Region end of inter-regional links between and Northern and Western Region.
Additional agenda by KSEB SRLDC is issuing A,B,C messages as per philosophy circulated in OCC meetings. As such no erratic messages were issued SRLDC objects to the statement given by KSEB
Non receipt of SEM data from some Locations SRLDC will not be able to carry out Energy Drawl/ Injections unless complete data from all SEMs is received.