Welcome to Year 1
Autumn Super Humans The Magic Toymaker Spring People Of The Past Water World & Freeze It Summer Our World Flowers & Insects IPC (International Primary Curriculum)
We will be investigating different types of writing, e.g. reports, stories, poetry, information texts etc. Writing will be linked to the termly themes as much as possible. Children will be encouraged to write in all areas of the curriculum not just Literacy. Children will be expected to become more independent writers as the year progresses, writing in sentences to include punctuation, e.g. capital letters, full stops, applying their phonic knowledge and make their writing their own by including their own ideas. Children will practise handwriting regularly in school but extra practise at home is encouraged. Children will participate in daily phonics lessons where they are put into ability groups. Children will have the opportunity to read in lessons for all areas of the curriculum not just Literacy. They will read to an adult in class at least twice a week (on rare occasions it will vary) – guided reading group and individually. Literacy
The children will change their books twice a week. Routines are still being established so please be patient. It’s really important that you read with your child every night if possible or at least four time week, and that you sign their reading records each time. We have a colour band system. As your child makes progress, they will move on to a different colour band. Regular reading raffle. Children will get a raffle ticket to enter into the regular reading raffle if they have read four times in a week and their record has been signed by an adult at home. Adults in school will check records in school weekly. Please ensure your child’s book bag is in school everyday. Reading At Home
The main focus will be on securing basic skills, e.g. reading numbers, writing numbers to 100, writing numbers to 20 in numerals in words, counting on and back to and from 100, ordering & comparing numbers. We will also practise counting on in 2s, 5s and 10s. We will begin to investigate basic addition and subtraction, solve problems, name 2D & 3D shapes and investigate measure length, mass & capacity. Numeracy
P.E. will be on a Wednesday. The session will be with the sports coach, Mr O’Keeffe. There will be three areas of focus – games, gym and dance. Additional P.E. sessions might also be taught within the IPC topics. It’s really important your child has the correct kit in school at all times. P.E. must include: navy/black shorts, white T- shirt, tracksuit bottoms, warm jumper, spare socks and trainers. P.E. Kit needs to be brought into school at the beginning of each half term and will be brought home at the end of each half term. Long hair must be tied back and earrings removed for health and safety reasons. P.E.
The children will receive homework on Fridays. This will be for Literacy, Numeracy and IPC. Homework must completed and handed in by Wednesday the next week. Spellings will also be given out on Friday. Spelling test will be on the following Friday. Magic writing books – children to write whatever they want to encourage writing. Children will occasionally be given a little mini project to work on. An overview of the homework tasks can be found in the homework books and on the school website. Homework
School Website
Please remember to clearly label your child’s cardigans, trousers, jumpers, ties, P.E. kits. Basically everything!!! Unaccounted items will be held for one week in class, and then put into the lost property cupboard. Uniform
In school children are encouraged to be as independent as possible, e.g. organising themselves to go home, getting dressed and undressed for P.E. etc. We would like all parents to support us in helping their child become independent at home as well as at school. Please encourage your child to dress themselves, complete homework as independently as possible giving guidance when needed, and giving gentle reminders about what they need to take to school, e.g. book bags, P.E. kits. Also encourage learning in everyday life, e.g. counting out money when shopping, reading times they go to bed, have breakfast and reading words when out and about – shop names, road signs etc. Independent Learners
School Gateway In an effort to reduce our costs and carbon footprint, we are becoming a paper-free school this year. So far, over 100 parents have provided us with their addresses for letters and bulletins to be sent to them. Presently, over 60 parents are using the smartphone app to view their child’s dinner money balances, pay any money owed and also to pay for trips, uniform and milk when necessary.
How do I start with School Gateway ? 1. your child’s name and class name to: 2. Download the School Gateway app on your phone from your app store (Android and iPhone). or 3. Visit the website and click on ‘New User’. Type in your address and mobile number to receive a PIN that you can use to access the website.
Any Questions?