Unit 1 By Louise Fattizzo
Setting up an account- technical Step 1: Select the type of website that you would like to use: I am using Gmail to show you. There are a few ways to get to Gmail: -The most simple way is to go straight to the Google homepage and select Gmail at the top. Step 2: This will take you straight to the Gmail.com homepage. From here, click on the red box in the top right hand corner that says “CREATE AN ACCOUNT”.
Step 3: fill in the details in order to make the account. - Here, you will need to fill in: Your full name, Choose your address, for example (each will have to be different so you will need to make sure that yours is unique). Choose a password which you will need to write twice, your date of birth, your gender, mobile number, current address, a verification, location, agree to the Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Step 4: Once you have set up your account, it is now ready for use. You can sign into your account at any point that the internet is available and sign in using newly created address and password.
Then you need to verify your account. You will receive a verification code. And your account has been created. Your account will be available for use so long as you remember your password and username.
Adding contacts When adding contacts, make sure you know the person very well(preferably in person) because if someone hacks/fakes their account, you will be able to confirm with them in person if it is them.
1) 2) Click on the “Gmail” tab and scroll down to click “contacts” on the list below. Under “Contacts” there should be another list. Click on “New Group”.
3) 4) It will say “Please enter a new group name” or in other words, give the message a title. Click the “Add to”(group name) and select the contacts from your list of contacts.
Reading an - non technical Make sure you are on “Inbox” and click on the message. This will open it up for you to read and you can then reply to it.
Sending an- Click on the “COMPOSE” button. Type in the address of your recipient. Type in the subject of your message. Type in your message. Click “SEND” to send your message.
Staying safe How to stay safe on the internet: Keep your password a secret- You never know who might use it to get into your account. Once they have access to your account, they can use it to send messages/links under your name which means that they can abuse it. Do not give any of your details away- People who you may trust now, may change in the future and they will then have your details so it is very important to keep your details private so that people do not know things such as your address. Do not give away any personal information about yourself to strangers- You can’t trust everyone. If a stranger gets hold of your personal information then they can pretend that they know you when they do not. This could leave to many terrible possibilities. Do not tell people your address unless you know them well- If a stranger knows your address they can send things to you and go to your house, this is not good if you have no idea who the person/people are. Have a security question to back up your account- This will ensure that if someone finds out how to get into your account without your permission, there will be a personal question that you only should know the answer to get into the account.
CC in communication CC means: Carbon Copy. By typing an address in the line that says “CC”/“Carbon Copy”, the recipient will receive a copy of the you are sending.
BCC in communication BCC means: Blind Carbon Copy. If you type an address in the “BCC”/“Blind Carbon Copy” line, the recipient will receive a copy of the that you are sending but their address will not show to the other recipients who received the .
Cc and bcc