The Skeletal System Lesson 1:


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Presentation transcript:

The Skeletal System Lesson 1:

Lesson Objectives Upon completion of this lesson, students should be able to … List the various types of bones in the body. Identify specific bones for each bone classification. Discuss the functions of the bones of the human skeleton.

Lesson Objectives Explain various types of joints and body movements. Describe the axial skeleton. Describe the appendicular skeleton.

Skeletal System 206 bones, PLUS cartilage, and ligaments Divided into two systems Axial skeleton skull and the vertebral system Appendicular skeleton extremities 4

Axial skeleton

Appendicular skeleton

Anterior and Posterior Human Skeleton 7

Word Search Bones

Six Main Functions of Bones

1. shape, support

2. protection for organs

3. storage place for mineral salts, calcium, and phosphorus

4. formation of blood cells

5. attachment of skeletal muscle

6. movement possible

Name them bones CLICK Here

Joints The positioning of the bones at the joint determines the type of movement synarthrotic joint has no movement Amphiarthrotic joint allows for limited movement A diarthrotic joint allows for free movement

synarthrotic joint

Amphiarthrotic joint

diarthrotic joint

Body Movements Allowed by the Diarthrotic Joint Abduction – movement away from the midline Adduction – movement toward the midline Circumduction –moving a body part in a circular motion Dorsiflexion –bending a body part backward Eversion – the process of turning outward

Body Movements Allowed by the Diarthrotic Joint Extension –straightening a flexed limb Flexion –bending (or curving) the spine Inversion-- turning inward Pronation –lying prone or face down: or turning the hand so that the palm points downward Protraction –moving a body part forward

Body Movements Allowed by the Diarthrotic Joint Retraction –moving a body part backward Rotation –moving a body part around a central axis Supination –lying supine or face upward; also the process of turning the palm or foot upward

Fill in Cloze 24

Tendons and Ligaments Ligaments – connect bone to bone Tendons – Connect muscle to bones

Bones of Axial the Skeleton Skull Cranium Face Sternum Ribs Vertebrae Sacrum Coccyx 26

The Vertebral Column Divided into 5 regions: Cervical vertebrae Thoracic vertebrae Lumbar vertebrae Sacrum Coccyx 27

The Rib Cage ribs acts to form a protective cage that houses the heart, lungs Consists of 12 pairs of ribs

Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton Upper extremities Lower extremities Pectoral girdle Pelvic girdle 29

Bones of the Upper Extremities Clavicle Scapula Humerus Ulna Radius Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges 30

Bones of the Lower Extremities Femur Patella Tibia Fibula Tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges 31

Critical Thinking Questions How can you remember the difference between the ulna and the radius?

Try It For Yourself! frontal mandible ulna metatarsals tibia Where are the following bones? frontal mandible ulna metatarsals tibia metacarpals tarsals skull face lower arm/upper extremity foot/ankle lower leg/lower extremity hand/wrist foot 33

Try It For Yourself! mandible sphenoid sacrum radius ilium femur Where are the following bones? mandible sphenoid sacrum radius ilium femur fibula face skull vertebral column lower arm/upper extremity pelvic girdle upper leg/lower extremity lower leg/lower extremity 34

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ID basic parts of skeletal system activity~~~~