Richard Leckerman National Development Officer: Breathing Space ARGYLL CONFERENCE September 10 th 2008 World Suicide Prevention Day
Mission Statement Breathing Space is a free, confidential phone and web based service for people in Scotland. We are here in times of difficulty to provide a safe and supportive space by listening, offering advice and information. It is our belief and hope that by empowering people, they will have the resources to recover. (November 2007)
Phone-line Service Free, confidential, anonymous and out of hours National and funded by Scottish Gov. and NHS24 Targets young adult men who are experiencing low mood and depression Experienced phone-line advisors Listen, advise, support and signpost Non-intervention but empowering. Men’s 10k June 2008
Call Volume 4,200 calls per month Total calls – 150,000 since February ‘04 Call times are variable between 6pm and 2am Mon – Thurs. From 6pm Fri to 6am Mon Team away day at Ballencleroch June 2006 Inverness Caledonian FC support Breathing Space
Reasons for Calling Depression Relationship difficulties Alcohol and drugs Gender Identity/Sexuality Self-harm Abuse Prison Issues Bullying Mental Health Problems Isolation & Loneliness Spiritual/Existentialist
First Phase launched October 3 rd ,000 hits Oct 05 – May 07 Extension to the phone-line Alternative first stop service Available 24/7 Website Home Page
My Role Attending national / local events / Presentations Developments internal / external Training Link in with key partners Phone line advisor
DEVELOPMENTS Deaf Community Volunteers BME Community Remote and Rural Macmillan nurses Website