The Skeleton Comes from the Greek word meaning “dried-up body” or “mummy” Accounts for about 20% of body weight Made up of bones, cartilages & ligaments Horse skeleton found along Stewart’s Pocket Loop, Payson, AZ 9-2014
2 Skeletal Systems for the Price of One! There are 206 bones in human body divided into 2 systems Axial skeletal system Skull (cranium), vertebral column, rib cage (bony thorax) Appendicular skeletal system Comprises rest of the bones Follow along on your "The Skeletal System" handout!
The Axial Skeleton Have out the “Skeletal Skeleton” handout & 3 different colored pencils Name (identify) & color-code the 3 sets of bones (80 total bones) that make up the Axial Skeletal System Cranium/Skull Vertebral column Rib cage/Bony thorax Ossicles – inner ear (6) Hyoid bone (1) Per. 3 start, Fri
Bones of the Human Skeleton Axial Skeleton – 80 bones Skull/Cranium Cranial bones – 8: Frontal (1), parietal (2), occipital (1), temporal (2), ethmoid (1), sphenoid (1) Facial Bones – 14: Maxillary (2), mandible (1), inferior nasal conchae (2), lacrimal (2), nasal (2), palatine (2), vomer (1), zygomatic (2) Vertebra – 26: Cervical (7), thoracic (12), lumbar (5), sacrum (1), coccyx (fusion of 3) Ribs & Sternum (bony thorax) – 25: Ribs (24 – 1 pair/thoracic vertebra), sternum (1) Ossicles (inner ear bones) – 6: Incus – 2, Malleus -2, Stapes - 2 Hyoid bone (attachment for tongue) - 1
Today in Human Anatomy... Homework: Week #10 (9/22-9/26) Warm Up – Tues, 9/23: Have out: Human Skull diagram Axial Skeletal Sys. notes Anatomy Fun Fact: Enamel is hardest substance in the human body. What mineral do you think is found in tooth enamel? Homework: Skull Quiz – Wed, 9/24 & Thurs, 9/25 Axial Index Card check - Wed, 9/24 & Thurs, 9/25 Axial Practical Exam – Tues, 10/21 (MOVED due to Guest Speaker) Agenda: Finish Axial Skeleton notes – Skull Human Skull identification activity 5
Bones of the Human Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton – 126 bones Girdles: Pectoral: clavicle (2) & scapula (2) Pelvic: ossa coxae/coxal bone (2), consisting of ilium, pubis & ischium Arm – 30 bones (per arm): Humerus, radius & ulna, carpals (8), metacarpals (5), phalanges (14) Leg – 30 bones (per leg): Femur, tibia & fibula, patella, tarsals (7), metatarsals (5) & phalanges (14)
The Skull (Cranium) Formed by 22 bones divided into 2 sets: Human Skull animation The Skull (Cranium) Formed by 22 bones divided into 2 sets: Cranial bones Facial bones The skull can be divided into 2 regions: Vault (skullcap) Base
The Skull (Cranium) Cranial Bones - 8 bones 2 Parietal 2 Temporal Frontal Occipital Sphenoid Ethmoid
The Skull (Cranium) Facial Bones - 14 bones Maxillary (2) Inferior nasal conchae (2) Lacrimal (2) Nasal (2) Palatine (2) Zygomatic (2) Mandible & vomer are unpaired Males: more elongated than females Females: rounder & less angular Mandible (jaw): largest & strongest bone of the face
The Skull (Cranium) All bones of adult skull are firmly connected by interlocking joints called sutures Coronal Connects frontal & parietal bones Squamous Connects parietal & temporal bones Sagittal Connects 2 parietal bones Lambdoid Connects occipital & parietal bones