Cognition Book Club An Introduction to the Brain
What Is The Brain? What facts do you know about the human brain? o Write down one per index card.
What Is The Brain? The part of the central nervous system that is located within the cranium. The brain functions as the primary receiver, organizer and distributor of information for the body.
What Is The Brain? Average size – cc Average weight – kg Average % of body weight – 2% Average # of neurons – 100 billion; average number of neuroglia 10-50x the number of neurons - ?????? Average surface area – 2,500 cm 2 (2.5 ft 2 ) For more facts:
What Is The Brain? Divided into four regions: Cerebrum Diencephalon Brainstem Cerebellum
What Does the Brain Do? What functions does the brain have? o Write one on each post-it note.
What Does the Brain Do? Brain functions are localized, and functional regions are highly interconnected
What Does the Brain Do? David Kolb suggests that learning originates in concrete experience, requires reflection, developing abstractions, and actively testing those abstractions.