Welcome to Honors Biology Wissahickon High School Mrs. Pietrangelo
New Things Encountered in Biology Scientific vocabulary Lab Day: 2 double periods for labs Higher expectations!
Expectations What I expect from students: To put time in outside of the classroom for readings, homework, lab reports and projects. You will need to keep up with our studies and seek help when needed. I will be available for help most mornings and afternoons, please make an appointment and come prepared with questions for extra help
Expectations What to expect from me, as a teacher: Science classes are typically very challenging and intimidating. It is my top priority to not just teach science but to make learning the subject, and coming to class an enjoyable and a worthwhile experience You should expect me to be: Fair Challenging Creative
Biology – Concepts and Connections Resources 1. Textbook 2. On line iText Login: mpietrangelo Password: mpietrangelo1 Assessment practice Videos Activities 3. CD-ROM inside text cover
Topics Nature of Life Cellular Biology & Energy Heredity & Gene Expression Biotechnology Classification Diseases: Bacteria & Viruses People & the Environment
Classroom procedures Absences: Must present Yellow Card to make-up work Work indicated on class website 2 days for homework 1 week for lab make-up Passes : 2 hall passes, 1 late assignment (1 set each MP) Extra Credit if not used
Homework Assigned several times per week Written assignments rarely due the next day to accommodate students’ schedules Due Dates posted on board and class website Late pass can be used up to 2 days after assignment was due
Grades Homework Assignments Activities & Labs In-class work Projects Tests Quizzes Independent Research – 1 st semester Cumulative Final Exam (20% of 4th MP) OR Keystone Exam?
Independent Research (PJAS) Independent research experiment and presentation Need to be approved before experimentation Done outside of class Delineates Honors from Academic All projects completed/presented the week of Dec 15 th Need photodocumentation throughout project
Online Grading Grading program: Sapphire
address/ Phone contact WSDSecure (in subjectline) OR (x2765)