Class Logs Biology Mrs. Susan Smith
Class Log August 28, 2012 Objectives: Today we will get to know each other and learn class procedures Activities: Class Syllabus Student information sheet Learning style inventories Alien adventures Homework: Get syllabus signed by your parents Warm Up: List at least three things that you think we will study this year in biology?
Class Log August, 30, 2012 Objective: Today you will learn how to complete a lab safely. You will learn where the safety equipment is located and how to use this equipment Today you will learn how to change metric measurements in to different units Activities: Turn in Signed syllabus Text Books News and Views and Due Dates Safety Lab Safety rap H:\Safety\TeacherTube Videos - Lab Safety Rap.mht Metric Mania Homework: Safety Quiz 9/4 Safety Assignment Due 9/4 Signed Safety Contract Warm up: What type of learning style are you? What type of environment is best for you when you study?
Class Log September 4, 2012 Objectives: Today we will learn how scientist gain information using the scientific method Safety Assignment Due Today Turn in Signed Safety Contract Activities: Quiz Safety What is biology Notes Scientific Method Experimental design diagram (EDD) Metric Mania Homework: Branches of Biology Due 9/10 News and Views 9/21 Warm-up Name one piece of safety equipment in the classroom and given an example of when it is used.
Class Log September 6, 2012 Objectives: Today we will learn about the scientist and their discoveries that extended our knowledge of biology. Activities: Biology Science Discoveries Web Quest Computer Lab L406 Homework: Branches of Biology Project 9/10 Warm-up Name the parts for a controlled experiment
Class Log September 10, 2012 Objectives: Today we will finish the Biology Scientist Discovery Web Quest Activities: Biology Science Discoveries Web Quest Turn in Discovery Web Quest Homework: Back to School Night Monday 9/10 Make sure your parents have a schedule News and Views Due 9/20 Warm Up- Tell the difference between Qualitative Data and Quantitative Data
Class Log-Honors September 11, 2012 Objectives: Today we will review parts of the experiment and you will be able to fill in an EDD chart. Activities: Presentation of Research Finish EDD for Experimental Design Detectives Intro Seed Lab Homework: Graphing Practice Quiz 9/19 Graphing/Metric/EDD Warm-up What is the difference between the IV and the DV?
Class Log –Biology September 12, 2012 Objectives: Today we will review how to measure using metric Units and how to graph. Activities: Presentations of Scientists Finish EDD for Experimental design detectives Metric Conversion Homework: News and Views Due 9/20 Quiz 9/18 Graphing/Metric/EDD Warm up: What is the difference between the IV and the DV?
Class Logs- Honors September 13, 2012 Objectives: Today we will conduct an experiment, and identify living things from non living things Activities: Continue with Seed Lab Part 1 Notes on Characteristics of Life Homework: Metric Conversion Practice Quiz 9/19 Graphing/Metric/EDD Warm-UP: When is the best time to use a bar graph? What axis is used to graph the independent variable?
Class Log-Biology September 14, 2012 Objective: Today we will identify living things from non living things Activities: Graphing Lab Metric Measurement Lab Homework: Quiz Metric/ Graphing/EDD 9/18 News and Views Due 9/20 Warm-up When is the best time to use a bar graph? What axis is used to graph the independent variable?
September 17, 2012 Objectives: Today we will conduct an experiment, and identify living things from non living things Activities: Review Metric and Graphing Seed Lab Part 3 Homework: Quiz Metric and Graphing 9/19 News and Views 9/21 Warm-up: What axis is used to graph the independent variable?
Class Log -Biology September 18, 2012