Social Media Social media is not new – Opinion pages – Telephone – Others? What is new – Fewer intermediaries – Individual ability to broadcast – Massive quantity
Extended CSCW Framework Different Time Same Time Different Place Phone, Instant Messaging, Videoconferencing Same Place Notes on the Fridge Conversation (Augmented with technology) Directed Communication (select/know your audience) Broadcast Communication (do not select/know your audience) Different Time Same Time Different Place Discussion Forums, Blogs, Podcasts, Wikis Traditional and new broadcast forms Same Place Bulletin Boards Public speaking, meeting room support
Intermediate Directedness Directedness is a really a continuum Many social media fall in between – Facebook friends – Twitter followers – Google+ circles Partial knowledge of audience – Meetings and public speaking forms also have some of these characteristics – These traditional forms tend to be same time, ephemeral media
Ephemeral Media -> Archived Media Trend for ephemeral on-line forms to become archived People’s perception is not necessarily connected to what really happens Why does this matter? – When people are being recorded (archived), they communicate differently
Blogs and Microblogs Are often for opinions, reports on activity, humor Personally authored Although can become linked – Microblogs can become discussions – And links between blogs can become claim/counterclaim structures
Why do people blog/microblog? Updating others of activities Influencing others Thinking through writing Release of emotional tension (catharsis)
Wikis Wikis are collaboratively authored resources Are often used for (fairly) objective content – User manuals – Wikipedia – Fan / player sites Include facilities for collaboration – Talk pages – History pages
Building on Social Media Mining and automatic interpretation – Information retrieval techniques – Language-aware techniques Personalizing – Information Filtering (Infoscope) Information Visualization – Content – Temporal Change – Connections
Reminder of Last Class CSCW framework related to place, time and directedness of communication – Many social media fall in between directed and not Ephemeral -> Archived Media Blogs Wikis Information Filtering Now we continue with visualization
Visualizing a Collection of Texts
Visualizing Time and Content
Visualizing Connections
History Flow Visualization of Wiki Edits
Textual Social Media A wide variety supporting different categories of communication Web 2.0 social media enable new roles based on scale and controls Mining and visualization support access and create new (meta-)media forms