Tips for success in biology. Study Hints 1.Do your own work! -Even though you work with a partner: don’t copy, don’t move on unless YOU understand. 2.Do.


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Presentation transcript:

Tips for success in biology

Study Hints 1.Do your own work! -Even though you work with a partner: don’t copy, don’t move on unless YOU understand. 2.Do a good job on the unit notes/outlines! -Don’t leave blanks! Don’t guess! -You bring these to class everyday and use them as a resource for doing labs and other in-class activities. -They are your way of previewing the content – labs, notes, discussions, etc. depend on this! -Previewing the content allows you to know what you don’t understand and to ask questions!

Study Hints 3. Study EVERY night for biology, even if there is no “homework”. – Learn/memorize the vocabulary words. – Look over papers that have been returned to you – know the correct answers if you missed something! – Review notes/outline for content we have already learned in class. – Review notes/outline relevant to material we are currently doing in class or are doing later in the week.

Study Hints 4. Prepare for tests/quizzes early, NOT the night before! – Try this: Study a topic then close your notes. Re-write everything you remember about the topic. Then check your notes and see what you didn’t write or didn’t write correctly. – Try this: Study a topic then close your notes. Teach Mom everything about the topic – Mom will ask questions when she doesn’t understand. Then check your notes and see what you didn’t teach her or didn’t teach her correctly. – Try this: After you study a topic (and know all the vocabulary words), ask yourself “what if” questions.

Study Hints 5. Use the “what should I study/study guide” on Dr. Gallo’s website to guide your preparation for unit tests. – Includes: Sections of the textbook relevant to the unit Sections of the handbook relevant to the unit “Lecture” slides posted online List of all labs, activities, homework, etc. covered in the unit List of Keystone exam topics relevant to the unit – big ideas List of Keystone exam topics relevant to the previous units – big ideas 6. Ask for help! – , homeroom, before/after school, study with friends, etc.

Unit Test Format Tests are written at the understanding/application level, not recall! – Recall-level example: What is an observation? What is an inference? – Understanding/application level example: What might occur if a scientist only made conclusions based on inferences and not observations? Test includes: – Multiple choice – Short answer – can answer with sentences, bullet points, diagrams, etc. – Bonus question – Remember, at the application/understanding level, NOT recall! This test format is aligned with other biology classes at NAI and with the Biology Keystone Exam.

Where do I find resources to help me study? Recall (knowing the vocabulary, definitions, etc.) is still important and should be ongoing! – Necessary for success in class everyday. – Find examples in: textbook, handbook notes, questions at end of sections and chapters in textbook, pre-lab questions, homework. Application/understanding is how you will be tested (in class and Keystone). – Find examples in: back of handbook, post-lab/analysis questions, class discussions, homework. Typically NOT found in the textbook!