Peer Educator Program Summary Report
Peer Educators will: 1.Increase their knowledge of college health education topics 2.Increase confidence regarding provision of health education to other students 3.Provide health education in the SHS at least 3 times per semester 4.Conduct health promotion outreach events on campus (housing, classrooms, etc.) regarding topics such as HIV, STI and ATOD prevention at least 3 time per semester.
Measurement tools 1.A pre-test of health education topics was given to all peer educators prior to training. 2.After 3 months, a follow up evaluation via post test and demonstration was completed. 3.Productivity reports of all outreach activities were documented and approved.
Training program The training components consisted of: 1.Sexual health component (birth control, HIV and STIs, and sexuality) 2.Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs 3.Nutrition and Fitness 4.Ethics and self care
Training program Health educators conducted training components within 3 weeks of PEs beginning work in the SHS. Productivity of outreach events and in house health education workshops were documented.
Pre-Test results Eight peer educators took the pre-test (6 in fall and 2 in spring) Three peer educators were previously employed by HRC but were included to evaluate any change in knowledge or confidence levels after training. The maximum number of PE experience was 3 years, the minimum was 0 months.
Post Test Results Post tests were given to the peer educators at the end of fall semester and at the end of the spring semester. All peer educators completed the post test.
How do you rank your knowledge of health issues for college students on a scale from 1 to 10?
How do you rank your comfort level talking about sexual health with other college students on a scale from 1 to 10?
How do you rank your confidence in speaking to other students about college health issues on a scale from 1 to 10?
How do you rank your confidence level speaking in front of a group of students about college health issues on a scale from 1 to 10?
Knowledge Component There were 25 questions about common college health issues. 52% of the questions (13) were all answered correctly on the pretest and 68% (17) were all answered correctly on the post test.
Knowledge (cont.) Sexual health was the strongest component for the PEs. ATOD, Nutrition and Fitness questions were more problematic for the PEs. Three questions showed no improvement: Drugs act on an individual’s feelings and emotions generated from the brain’s limbic system. Stimulants cause a flood of dopamine to be released in the brain. Marijuana is considered what type of drug.. Hallucinogen.
KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONS The percent correct for each question is shown for pretest and posttest.
If you miss two BC pills in a row you should:
What is the most common STI in the U.S.?
Which birth control method can cause bone density loss?
How do birth control pills prevent pregnancy?
What is the best lubricant to use with latex condoms/barriers?
HIV is transmitted through which body fluids?
Gardasil is a vaccine used to prevent which common STI?
What type of sexual activity facilitates the transmission of HIV most easily?
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered youth are often at an increased risk for:
Stage 1 of alcohol poisoning is indicated by:
During a blackout, the individual experiences the loss of:
Alcohol is considered what type of drug?
Alcohol tolerance indicates that the individual is:
All alcohol contains a legal poison that is:
Drugs act on an individual’s feelings and emotions generated from the brain’s :
Stimulants cause a flood of dopamine to be released in the brain:
Marijuana is considered what type of drug:
Research indicates that drivers on marijuana have…
9% of individuals who consistently use marijuana are addicted
Which of the following are macronutrients?
What is one function of protein?
Complex carbohydrates…
Aerobic exercise…
Anaerobic exercise…
It is recommended for optimal health that one engages in __ minutes of vigorous activity __ days per week.
Total correct:
PRODUCTIVITY An estimated 3409 students were contacted during outreach by our staff or peer educators. There were 4,167 reception contacts in our office (either phone or walk in). About 1,730 students attended our programs. A total of 322 students attended SHAWs. All SHAWs were taught by peer educators. Approximately 5,790 health education materials were given to students. An estimated 2,135 condoms were distributed to students.
Recommendations Begin peer educator instruction with new students immediately upon hiring on a weekly basis. Sexual health, Alcohol and drugs, Sexual assault, ethics and self care, and Nutrition and Fitness Spend more time on alcohol, drugs and nutrition. Have peer educators document all outreach that they engage in and provide this documentation to their preceptor/supervisor. Revise pre and post test (change ATOD and nutrition questions, add stress management questions) and continue to evaluate knowledge acquisition.