The Comparison of PARAMICS ( MODELLER ), GETRAM( TEDI ), CORSIM, and VISSIM Roundabout Construction Interchange Construction Workzone Construction Data Input (Volume and OD Data)
1. Network Construction Comparison (Roundabout) PARAMICS (MODELLER) VISSIMGETRAM(TEDI) Direct roundabout Function a YesNo b Connect curve links to achieve roundabout Connect curve sections to achieve roundabout Curve a YesNo b 1.The curve is defined by the arc of circle 2. We can draw a curve by changing the radius and define the start and end points 3. Difficult to draw a short curve link 1. Use Edit link function 2. Insert intermediate points to one link and adjust them to achieve curve 3. After achieving an accurate curve, the length of link is always changed 1. Use Polysection function 2. The rotate angle and length of section both have limitations. 3. The limitations of polysection result in poor layout a: Is there Direct function available? b: Explanation
PARAMICS (MODELLER) VISSIMGETRAM(TEDI) Curb a YesNo b 1. User can adjust the layout of the network by using this function. Splitter Island a No b Method 1: (straight line) Users have to define specific nodes for splitter island on the position at the beginning, then adjust the curb to achieve it. Method 2: (curve) Users define two opposing one-way link instead of one link with two directions. Then, use curve function and adjust curb to achieve it. VISSIM define the basic element as link. Therefore, Connect all the links as real world network (background) will automatically achieve the splitter island. TEDI also define the basic element as link. Therefore, Connect all the sections as real world network will automatically achieve the splitter island.
PARAMICS (MODELLER) VISSIMGETRAM(TEDI) Turning Bay a No b 1.Users have to define two nodes at the beginning, then connect two nodes. Finally, use the curve function to achieve the real world alignment. Like splitter island, turning bay will also be made automatically when you connect all the links to achieve real word network Import layout a Yes b Formats: GIS data: DXF and OS/NTF Formats: BMP Formats: DXF, BMP, JPG, TIF, and GIF Pedestrian a NoYesNo b 1. A specific definition of pedestrian as one vehicle type 2. Multifunction of priority rule function make pedestrian simulation available
PARAMICS (MODELLER) VISSIMGETRAM(TEDI) Yield sign position a NoYes b Since the Paramics provides the direct roundabout function, the priority junction is set automatically 1. VISSIM can define the exact yield sign location as a red bar along the link. 2. User can define the minimum gap time and headway should be measured (against vehicle flow) using the interface. Users can set the yield sign for one section to another in the junction. Is the diameter and shape of the circular island changeable? a YesNo b 1. Users can define the diameter of the circular island when you use the Node Modify function 2. Users can change the shape of the circular island by adjusting curb The shape and diameter of the circular island are both corresponding to the shape of circular links The shape and diameter of the circular island are both corresponding to the shape of circular sections
PARAMICS (MODELLER) VISSIMGETRAM(TEDI) Reserved lanes in roundabout a Yes b Paramics lane restriction can relate to closures, bus only, vehicle type bans, and vehicle characteristics bans(such as weight, height, and width) through Link Modify function VISSM lane restriction can relate to vehicle type only. ( including pedestrian) 1. TEDI lane restriction can relate to vehicle type only. 2. TEDI provides two optionsto let reserved vehicle whether be forced to take those reserved lanes or depending on traffic condition Gradient a Yes b Input % Initial and final altitude Coordinate a Yes b 1. Users can input the coordinate data to define node 2. Not display in the drawing window 1. VISSIM displays real world coordinates of the mouse pointer on the tool bar 2. VISSIM also displays the length of the defined link, and it is very useful for constructing network 1.TEDI displays real world coordinates of the mouse pointer and the scale on the status bar 2. When select an object, TEDI also displays the selection origin
PARAMICS (MODELLER) VISSIMGETRAM(TEDI) 3D Mode a Yes No b 1.The 3D view in Paramics can also show spot-height of nodes 2. In 3D mode vehicles is viewed as solid colored blocks or wire frames. Users can change the shape by editing shape file 1.VISSIM provides many kinds of objects that can be placed in any position 2. Users can also modify these objects Data Set a Yes b 1.Paramics data set is defined by a set of files all contains in a directory 2. Users can use the File Editor function to adjust or define the category directly. VISSIM data set is defined by a single input file TEDI data set is defined by a set of files, but it do not provide users the function as File Editor in Pramics
PARAMICS (MODELLER) VISSIMGETRAM(TEDI) Ramp Curve a Yes No b Use curveUse connector to obtain the curvature Use polysection Off-Ramp a NoYes b Use link slipRamp is viewed as a regular one lane road link On-Ramp a Yes b Use Ramp ObjectRamp is viewed as a regular one lane road link Auxiliary Lane a Yes b Input as on-ramp length or Link slip length Specify a road section with the auxiliary lane as one outer- most lane Operate on link edges to modify the auxiliary lane 2. Network Construction Comparison (Interchange)
PARAMICS (MODELLER) VISSIMGETRAM(TEDI) Lane Blockage a Yes b 1. Lane modifier: close lane 2. Use Incident for blockage 1. Split road section. 2. Use close to block certain types of vehicles Use Incident for lane blockage Rubber Necking Factor a No b In incident definitions, include passing speed and opposing speed Reduced speed zone Not found Workzone Length a Yes b Input as incident lengthInput as new subsection lengthInput as incident length Workzone Sign a Yes No b Input the distance of the sign before workzone Input as the lane change distance and emergency stop distance Use VMS for this function 3. Network Construction Comparison (Workzone)
PARAMICS (MODELLER) VISSIMGETRAM(TEDI) Zone a Yes b Use zone objectCan be specified in dynamic assignment procedure Use centroid object OD Matrix a Yes b Use demand file1. Matrix can be specified in dynamic assignment procedure 2. The O/D pair can be specified in “ route decision ” In O/D matrix statement dialogue Volume input a NoYes b Only use OD MatrixUse volume editor to input volume for each origin Use result container to input each section volume Vehicle types a Yes b Vary the balance of vehicle types within the simulation Specify or change vehicle types on the origin road sections Define vehicle types in O/D Matrix function 4. Input comparison (Volume and OD data)
5. Advantages and Disadvantages PARAMICS (MODELLER)VISSIMGETRAM(TEDI) Advantages 1. Real roundabout function 2. Real curve function 3. A set of data files instead of a single file let users more convenient to adjust parameter 4. Curb function can let users adjust the overlay to match real world network 1. Many adjustable parameters in the interfaces. 2. Pedestrian definition 3. Definable and adjustable yield sign location 4. Good 3D mode for displaying simulation 5. User can define different lane width for one link 6. User can see the link length directly on the desktop. 1. Friendly interface 2. Many definition can be set from interface 3. Rotate function is useful for adjusting network 4. Define number of lanes and side lane by just drag the section using mouse.
PARAMICS (MODELLER)VISSIMGETRAM(TEDI) Disadvantages 1. The interface is not as friendly as the other two softwares. 2. Unless we follow the correct sequence, it takes time to adjust the curb. 3. The midline is corresponding to the curb 1. No real roundabout function 2. Difficult to draw a circle 3. User cannot define the circular island 4. User cannot see the midlines of the links. 5. User can only define turning as one lane to one lane between links. 1. No real roundabout function 2. No real curve function 3. The limitations of polysection such as length and rotate angle result in poor layout 4. Difficult to match the layout of real world network 5. User can not define the circular island