The University of Texas at Austin Fall 2011 CAEE Department, Architectural Engineering Program Course: Energy Simulation in Building Design Instructor: Dr. Atila Novoselac ECJ, Office (512) Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Lecture Objectives: Discuss the syllabus Describe scope of the course Introduce the course themes Address any of your concerns Heat transfer review
Introduce yourself Name Background academic program Graduate/undergraduate or auditing
Motivation for learning about Energy Simulation in Building Design Buildings: Responsible for ~40% of total energy consumption in U.S. Affect the CO 2 emission Building energy systems with the building envelope affect: Energy consumption – operation cost First cost – capital cost Thermal comfort and IAQ Energy analysis for -Optimum balance between operational and capital cost
Motivation: Recognize inaccuracy in energy related technology statements
What do you think about this statement? In the article an advertiser claim 30% saving on electricity bill.
Energy consumption in Austin’s residential house
Target value for a new house in Austin New single family 2262 sf, 2-story home
Student interested in Sustainable Design LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design 1) LEED Certification require that building has analysis related to energy performance 2) All government buildings require energy analysis
Samsung R&B Building What is Energy Analysis ? UT Solar Decathlon House 2007
Example of energy modeling for building optimization Design iterations to optimize shape and energy use Solutions: passive shadings positions and area of windows insulation value tightly sealed envelope high-performance window position of solar collectors Architectural models Energy-simulation models Design iterations
Example of Solar Analysis for the Pecan Street Project Demo House Solar panels
Heat and mass transfer in buildings
Energy simulation software Simulation Software Garbage INGarbage OUT
1. Identify basic building elements which affect building energy consumption and analyze the performance of these elements using energy conservation models. 2. Analyze the physics behind various numerical tools used for solving different heat transfer problems in building elements. 3. Use basic numerical methods for solving systems of linear and nonlinear equations. 4. Conduct building energy analysis using comprehensive computer simulation tools. 5. Evaluate performance of building envelope and environmental systems considering energy consumption. 6. Perform parametric analysis to evaluate the effects of design choices and operational strategies of building systems on building energy use. 7. Use building simulations in life-cycle cost analyses for selection of energy-efficient building components. Course Objectives
Prerequisites ARE 346N Building Environmental Systems ME 320 Thermodynamics or similar courses Knowledge of the following is beneficial: - Heat transfer - Numerical methods - Programming
Textbook Energy Simulation in Building Design J A Clarke, 2002 (2nd Edn)
Textbook References: 1) 2001 ASHRAE Handbook: Fundamentals. IP or SI edition, hard copy or CD 2) Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow S V Patankar, ) Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes John A. Duffie, William A. Beckman, ) Design of Thermal Systems W. F. Stoecker, 1998
Handouts Copies of appropriate book sections Book from the reference list I will mark important sections Disadvantage - different nomenclature and terminology I will point-out terms nomenclature and terminology differences Journal papers Related to application of energy simulation programs
Other books for reading ASHRAE Fundamentals Great and very complete reference about HVAC and heat transfer Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning Mcqusiton, Spittler, Parker (2000) Basic knowledge about HVAC systems Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer Incropera, Witt, (2001) Excellent reference and textbook about fundamental of Heat transfer
Energy simulation (ES) software We are going to learn to evaluate: importance of input data effects of simplification and assumptions accuracy of results for each ES program We are going to talk about several most commonly used ES programs Concentrate on eQUEST – for projects and homework's
Why eQUEST software It is free - you can take it to your future company It has user-friendly interface It has built in functions for economic analyses It is based on well tested DOE2 ES program There are certain limitations limited number of HVAC system
Topics 1. Course Introduction and Background0.5 wk 2. Fundamentals of energy mass transfer1.5 wks 3. Thermal analysis of building components2 wk 4. Numerical methods2 wks 5. Energy simulation tools1 wk 6. Introduction to DOE2(eQUEST) software1 wk 7. Building envelope analyses2 wks 8. HVAC System analyses2 wks 9. Parametric Analyses2 wks
eQuest software
Test 25% Homework Assignments 30% Midterm Project10% Final Project & Presentation30% Classroom Participation 5% 100% Grading
Undergraduate Graduate > 90 A > 93 A B A C B D83-86 B < 60 F80-83 B- < 80 C-, C, C+
Participation 5% How to get participation points Come to class Participate in class Come see me in my office
Midterm Exam 25% October 25 (will be confirmed) Out of class time exam (2 hours) Problems based on topics cover in first part of the course
Homework 30% Total 3 HW1 Solar radiation problem HW2, HW3 Problems related to building heat transfer modeling
Midterm Project 10% Individual project 1) Use of eQUEST (or EnergyPlus) simulation tool for building envelope analysis -Primary goal is to get familiar with the software 2) You can suggest your own problem - modeling
Final Project 30% 1) Use of simulation tool (commercially available or your) for detail energy analysis -Energy analysis of building envelope and HVAC systems -Problems related to your future career -Problems related to your internship 2) Problem related your MS or PhD thesis - You propose Project seminar
Project Topic Example Pecan Street Project - Demonstration House Real project – building connected to smart grid Optimization of Envelope HVAC systems Solar panels Facade Thermal Lab at UT SOA Design and optimization of thermal storage systems
Course Website All course information: Your grades and progress on Blackboard Look at assignments and handout sections Class notes posted in the morning before the class PLEASE LET ME KNOW ABOUT ERRORS
Units System We will use both SI and IP unit system Research: SI HVAC industry including architectural and consulting companies IP First part of the course more SI Second part of the course more IP
My Issues Please try to use office hours for questions problems and other reasons for visit Please don’t use to ask me questions which require long explanations Call me or come to see me I accept suggestions The more specific the better
Any Questions ?
Assignment 0 Your motivation and expectation Due on Tuesday
Review - Heat transfer Convection Conduction Radiation
Example Problem –radiant barrier in attic