Disaster Drill E-2 / F-2
Codes ► Red – LOCKDOWN Fight, Flight, Hide ► Yellow – LOCKDOWN; Use Caution ► Blue –LOCKDOWN ► Green – ALL CLEAR
CODE RED ► The very first thing YOU are supposed to do is LOOK AT ME!!!!!!! I will then give instructions ► Cover all windows, lock all doors ► FIGHT, FLIGHT, HIDE
FIGHT, FLIGHT, HIDE ► Hide First procedure we will do during a CODE RED ► Fight Grab ANY and EVERYTHING you can to fight off attacker ► Flight Will be the LAST thing we will ever do I will decide if we flight Varies depending on the situation & location
CODE YELLOW ► Lock all doors, cover all windows ► Use caution ► May proceed with usual activity
CODE BLUE ► Medical Emergency ► No one leaves classroom!
CODE GREEN ► All clear! ► All clear!
Fire Drill ► E-2 Out the door to the right, go to the football field quickly and safely! ► F-2 Out the back door to the football field quickly and safely!
Severe Weather ► E-2 Go through the door by my DESK, through Ms. Rathmann’s room and into the E-Hall. ONLY WHEN TOLD TO DO SO! (tornado warnings) ► Stay quiet and sit on knees, facing the walls, with hands covering your head! ► F-2 Go out the main door and into the F-Hall. ONLY WHEN TOLD TO DO SO! (tornado warnings) ► Stay quiet and sit on knees, facing the walls, with hands covering your head!
Any Questions?? Any Questions??