Futsal Memorandum
1. AMENDMENTS TO THE FUTSAL LAWS OF THE GAME AND DECISIONS NOTE: All changes to the FIFA Futsal Laws become effective 1 September 1, 2005.
Present Text The use of natural turf or soil is permitted for matches in domestic competitions, but not for International fixtures. LAW 1 — THE PITCH New Text Text deleted. Reason: This decision was based on the Laws of the Game (for football), whereas the Futsal Laws of the Game do not specify any restriction as to the type of playing surface to be used.
Infringements/Sanctions Current text If, while a substitution is being made, a substitute enters the pitch before the player being replaced has completely left: Play is stopped The player being replaced is instructed to leave the pitch. The substitute is cautioned and shown the yellow card. LAW 3 — THE NUMBER OF PLAYERS New Text If, while a substitution is being made, a substitute enters the pitch before the player being replaced has completely left: Play is stopped. The player being replaced is instructed to leave the pitch. The substitute is cautioned, shown the yellow card and is ordered to leave the pitch to complete the substitution procedure.
Current text If, while a substitution is being made, a substitute enters the pitch or a player being substituted leaves the pitch from a place other than his/her own team’s substitution zone: Play is stopped The offending player is cautioned and shown the yellow card. LAW 3 — THE NUMBER OF PLAYERS New Text If, while a substitution is being made, a substitute enters the pitch or a player being substituted leaves the pitch from a place other than his/her own team’s substitution zone: Play is stopped. The offending player is cautioned, shown the yellow card and is ordered to leave the pitch to complete the substitution procedure. Reason: This new sentence specifies the steps to be taken if the correct procedure is not followed.
Current text LAW 3 — THE NUMBER OF PLAYERS New Text A team official may give tactical instructions to players during a match. However, team officials must not interfere with the movements of the players and referees and they must always behave in an appropriate manner. Reason: As in football, it is necessary to stipulate that only one official may give instructions so as to maintain order in the area around the team benches.
Infringements/Sanctions Current text LAW 4 — THE PLAYERS’ EQUIPMENT New text Restart of play If the referees stop play to caution the offending player: Play is restarted with an indirect free kick, to be taken by a player of the opposing side from the place where the ball was located when the referees stopped play. Reason: It is an offense for a player to disregard the provisions regarding equipment. For this reason, play must be stopped and the offending player’s team penalized by the award of an indirect free kick.
New Decisions 1 and 2 Current text LAW 4 — THE PLAYER’S EQUIPMENT New decisions 1 and 2 1.Players must not reveal undershirts that contain slogans or advertising. A player removing their jersey to reveal slogans or advertising will be sanctioned by the competition organizer. 2.Jerseys must have sleeves. Reason: These decisions already apply to football and are necessary to specify instructions regarding equipment.
Decisions of the referee Current text The decisions of the referee regarding facts connected with play are final. LAW 5 — THE REFEREE New text The decisions of the referee regarding facts connected with play are final. The referee and the second referee may only change a decision if they realise that they have made a mistake or if they deem it necessary to do so, provided that play has not restarted or the match terminated. Reason: The text needs to be clarified to allow a referee to correct an obvious error, provided that the match has not been terminated or play restarted.
Special circumstances Current text LAW 9 — THE START AND RESTART OF PLAY New text Special circumstances A free kick awarded to the defending team in its own penalty area may be taken from any point within that penalty area. An indirect free kick awarded to the attacking team in the penalty area of the opposing team must be taken from the penalty area line at the point nearest to where the offense was committed. A dropped ball to restart play in the penalty area must take place on the penalty area line at the point closest to where the ball was when play was stopped. Reason: As a result of this text, a direct free kick will be the same as an indirect free kick or the defending team, so that the team against which an offense was committed is not at a disadvantage.
Direct Free Kick Current text A direct free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following four offences: holds an opponent spits at an opponent slides in an attempt to play the ball when it is being played by an opponent (sliding tackle), except for the goalkeeper in his/her own penalty area and provided that he/she does not play in a careless, reckless way or uses excessive force. handles the ball deliberately, except for the goalkeeper in his/her own penalty area. LAW 12 — FOULS AND MISCONDUCT
New text A direct free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following five offences: holds an opponent spits at an opponent slides in an attempt to play the ball when it is being played by an opponent (sliding tackle), except for the goalkeeper in his/her own penalty area and provided that he/she does not play in a careless, reckless way or uses excessive force. touches the opponent before the ball when attempting to win possession, handles the ball deliberately, except for the goalkeeper in his/her own penalty area. Reason: It is important to include a foul in which a player arrives too late to win the ball.
Disciplinary sanctions Current text LAW 12 — FOULS AND MISCONDUCT New text Yellow and red cards may only be shown to players and substitutes. The referees have the authority to pronounce disciplinary sanctions on players from the moment they enter the pitch until they leave the pitch after the final whistle. Reason: It is important to specify the period in which the referees have the authority to show yellow and red cards. If an incident occurs immediately after the final whistle, the referees may still show a card. This will be more efficient than the current practice of merely reporting the incident to the respective authorities.
Decision 1 Current text Decision 1 A player who has been sent off may not re-enter the game is progress, nor may he sit on the substitutes’ bench. LAW 12 — FOULS AND MISCONDUCT New text A player who has been sent off may not re-enter the game is progress, nor may he sit on the substitutes’ bench as he must leave the vicinity of the field of play. Reason: It is important to specify that players who have been sent off must leave the vicinity of the pitch.
New decision 2 Current text LAW 12 — FOULS AND MISCONDUCT New text Subject to the terms of Law 12, a player may pass the ball to his/her own goalkeeper using their head, chest or knee, etc. provided that the ball has already crossed the halfway line or has been touched or played by an opponent. If, however, in the opinion of the referees, a player uses a deliberate trick while the ball is in play in order to circumvent the Law, the player is guilty of unsporting behavior. They are cautioned, shown the yellow card and an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred*. In such circumstances, it is irrelevant whether the goalkeeper subsequently touches the ball with their hands or not. The offense is committed by the player in attempting to circumvent both the letter and the spirit of Law 12. Reason: The must laws stipulate punishments for players who try to circumvent the Laws by passing the ball back to their own goalkeeper with a part of the body other than the foot.
LAW 12 — FOULS AND MISCONDUCT New text A tackle that endangers the safety of an opponent must be sanctioned as serious foul play. Reason: A tackle from behind, from the side, or from the front that injures or could have injured an opponent is to be sanctioned as serious foul play. New Decision 3 Current text
LAW 12 — FOULS AND MISCONDUCT New text Any act of simulation on the field that is intended to deceive the referees must be sanctioned as unsporting behavior. Reason: It is necessary to specify the procedure to be followed when a player is involved in simulation. New Decision 4 Current text
LAW 12 — FOULS AND MISCONDUCT New text A player who removes his/her jersey when celebrating a goal must be cautioned for unsporting behavior. Reason: Excessive gestures and celebrations that could incite spectators must be avoided. New Decision 5 Current text
Position of free kick Current text All opponents must be 15 feet (5m) from the ball until it is in play. When a defending team is taking a direct free kick from within its own penalty area, all opponents must be outside this penalty area. The ball is in play after it has been kicked or touched. When a defending team is taking a direct free kick from within its own penalty area, the ball is in play immediately after it leaves the penalty area. LAW 13 — FREE KICKS New text All opponents must be 15 feet (5m) from the ball until it is in play. When a defending team is taking a free kick from within its own penalty area, all opponents must be outside this penalty area. The ball is in play after it has been kicked or touched and has left the penalty area. Reason: The procedures for taking direct and indirect free kicks from within a team’s own penalty area have been made the same.
LAW 14 — ACCUMULATED FOULS Accumulated Fouls Current text Are those punished by a direct free kick mentioned in Law 12. The first five accumulated fouls committed by each team during each half are recorded in the summary of the match.
LAW 14 — ACCUMULATED FOULS New text Are those punished by a direct free kick mentioned in Law 12. The first five accumulated fouls committed by each team during each half are recorded in the summary of the match. The referees may allow play to continue by applying the advantage rule if the team has not yet committed five accumulated fouls and the opposing team is not denied an obvious goal scoring opportunity. If they apply the advantage rule, the referees must indicate an accumulated foul to the timekeeper and the third referee as soon as the ball is out of play. If extra time is played, accumulated fouls from the second period remain valid. Any accumulated fouls during extra time are added to the team’s total from the second period.
LAW 14 — ACCUMULATED FOULS Reason: It is important to ensure that the team against which an offence was committed is not penalized by stopping play, with obvious opportunities to score a goal to be taken into account. If the referees allow play to continue, they must ensure that the accumulated foul is recorded against the offending team. All accumulated fouls committed in the second half continue to apply in extra time, thereby rewarding the fair play of the team that has committed fewer fouls.
Infringements/Sanctions If a player of the same team as the player taking the kick infringes this Law: Current text The kick is not retaken if a goal is not scored. LAW 14 — ACCUMULATED FOULS New text If a goal is not scored, the referees stop play and restart the game with an indirect free kick to the defending team, to be taken from the place where the ball was located when the infringement was committed*.
New clarification of direct free kicks as of sixth accumulated foul: Current text LAW 14 — ACCUMULATED FOULS New text If a player of the defending team and a player of the attacking team infringe this Law: the free kick is retaken. If a ball strikes an object after it has been played forward; the free kick is retaken. If the ball rebounds into play off a goalkeeper, the crossbar or the posts and then strikes an object: The referees stop play, and restart it with a dropped ball at the place where the ball struck the object*. Reason: The current text is unclear and leaves room for different interpretations.
LAW 15 — THE PENALTY KICK The above-mentioned Infringements/Sanctions for direct free kicks as of the sixth accumulated foul also apply to kicks from the penalty mark.
2. ADDITIONAL GENERAL INFORMATION The Futsal Laws of the Game now make reference to “referees” instead of “referee”, thereby making it clear that both referees may make decisions, as stipulated in Law 6: “The second referee helps the referee to control the match in accordance with the Laws of the Game. In addition, the second referee has discretionary powers to stop the game for any infringement of the Laws.” If only one of the referees is permitted to make a decision, this is expressly stated in the Laws of the Game. The asterisk in Law 9 and in The Start and Restart of Play/Special Circumstances explains how the match is to be restarted. Furthermore, the procedure for a team taking a direct free kick from its own penalty area has been made the same as that for a team taking an indirect free kick from its own penalty area.
For the first time, the Futsal Laws of the Game also include “Additional instructions for referees, second referees, third referees and timekeepers” to give officials clear instructions for situations not provided for in the Laws of the Game. Another new feature is in the inclusion of the Futsal Laws of the Game Questions and Answers in the same booklet as the Laws of the Game, and as a result, match officials will have a compact reference guide to help them apply the Laws correctly all around the world. The new FIFA Futsal Laws of the Game will come into force on 1 September ADDITIONAL GENERAL INFORMATION