The Environment and You: Environmental Organizations Helena VonVille, MLS Library Directory University of Texas School of Public Health at Houston Harris County Public Library
Environmental Organzations TexPIRG (Texas Public Interest Research Group) This group is involved in more than just the environment, but the work they do on environmental issues is phenomenal. It is composed of citizens just like you who want to leave Texas a better place. Galveston-Houston Association for Smog Prevention (GHASP) This group…"works to persuade government and corporate officials to prevent smog. GHASP seeks to accomplish its mission by being the most credible advocate for clean air in the Houston region; by supporting efforts to educate the public; and by directly engaging government officials, community leaders, the media and industry on regional air pollution issues. Our membership arm is the separately incorporated Mothers for Clean Air. " Mothers for Clean Air "Mothers for Clean Air is a non-profit, membership organization concerned with air pollution in the Houston-Galveston area and its effects on children's health. Mothers for Clean Air serves as a collective voice to keep state and local government, industry and consumers focused on obtaining and maintaining cleaner air for our children."
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