CONGRESSIONAL PROCESSES *wink wink* *nudge nudge*
LOGROLLING When congress members agree to vote for another congress members bill in exchange for the other’s vote on a bill they care about. “Quid Pro Quo”
EARMARKS/PORK BARREL SPENDING A legislative provision that directs funds to be spent on specific projects
LOBBYING & INTEREST GROUPS INTEREST GROUP- a group that attempts to influence public policy by advocating the needs/wants of the group. LOBBYING – trying to persuade politician to support the goals of an interest group
TYPES OF INTEREST GROUPS Public Interest – focus on topics that affect the public (education, environment, politics, etc.) Economic Interest – Promote economic interest of their members (business, labor, trade)
TYPES OF INTEREST GROUPS Professional – advocate for a particular profession (doctors, teachers, police officers, etc.) Ideological – promotes a set of political, religious, or philosophical beliefs. Single Issue – focuses on one topic, such as gun control, or drunk driving
SCHOOL LUNCH NUTRITION What kind of groups would have a stake in changes to school lunch nutrition laws? What would their arguments in favor/against changing school lunches be?