IOWA Department of Natural Resources November Ambient Monitoring Sites (Blue dots=CAFO sites, yellow dots =Federal sites)
IOWA Department of Natural Resources November Monitor Types MonitorNumber Nitrogen Dioxide3 Toxics3 Carbon Monoxide5 Sulfur Dioxide10 Hydrogen Sulfide10 Ammonia11 Ozone13 PM PM
IOWA Department of Natural Resources November EPA’s Air Quality Index Air QualityAir Quality IndexHealth Advisory (Particle Pollution) Good0-50None. Moderate Unusually sensitive people should consider reducing prolonged or heavy exertion. Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion. Unhealthy People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion. Everyone else should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion. Very Unhealthy (Alert) People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children should avoid all physical activity outdoors. Everyone else should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion.
IOWA Department of Natural Resources November AQI Levels over 100 (2004 to date) PollutantLocationDateConc.AQI PM 10 Mason City1/14/ g/m PM 2.5 Mason City2/18/ g/m PM 10 Emmetsburg4/18/ g/m PM 2.5 Muscatine7/2/ g/m PM 10 Buffalo9/20/ g/m 3 109
IOWA Department of Natural Resources November Realtime Ozone and PM 2.5 Data Reported at EPA’s AIRNOW
IOWA Department of Natural Resources November Comparison of 2003 Monitored Values to Annual PM 2.5 Standard (15 g/m 3 )
IOWA Department of Natural Resources November CAFO Monitoring 10 sites Hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, wind speed and direction At houses neighboring large hog, cattle, dairy and chicken confined animal feeding operations (CAFO’s)
IOWA Department of Natural Resources November Clarion CAFO: Ammonia Data
IOWA Department of Natural Resources November Clarion CAFO: Hydrogen Sulfide Data
IOWA Department of Natural Resources November Chickens Data: 1/04-6/04 Blue dots: H 2 S Pink dots: NH 3
IOWA Department of Natural Resources November Toxics Monitoring Results: 2003
IOWA Department of Natural Resources November Contact information (515)