The Nature of Finnish Technology Education Matti Lattu University of Helsinki, Department of Teacher Education P.O. Box University of Helsinki voice fax Paper available at
In the final analysis, it will be argued that curriculum organisation - what is selected to be taught and how it is organised to teach - is a moral and political endeavour, and much less an epistemological issue. There is not a 'natural', logical way to organise technological knowledge; there are simply political choices and rhetorics." (italics in the original) Petrina, S Multidisciplinary Technology Education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education vol 8 no 2, Whose voice is present in the Finnish technology education curriculum? Starting Point
1) Economic instrumentalists 2) Professional technologists 3) Sustainable developers 4) Girls and woman 5) Defenders of participatory democracy 6) Liberal educators Layton, D A school subject in the making? The search for fundamentals. In Layton, D. (Ed.) Innovations in science and technology education. Vol. V. Paris: Unesco, Layton’s stakeholder groups
Three mainstream ideas in defining technology: 1) Technology is making use of science 2) Technology is in a dialog with the society 3) There are several different areas of technology The Nature of Technology
Curriculum analysis Introduction section: Defenders of participatory democracy “Fundamentals” Economic instrumentalists Mathematics Physics Chemistry “Making things” Production-oriented Craft, Technical Work and Textile Work “Tool” Technology = computers Languages, Music “Environment” Sustainable development Environmental and Natural Studies, Biology, Geography Religion, Ethics, History and Social Studies
The interests of the stakeholder groups are not necessarily contradictory The 1994 framework curriculum sees technology education as a very broad goal Technology is a dividing but also a combining force Supporting integration and co-operation in general facilitates technology education All stakeholder groups should be get involved Discussion