This study will : Explore teachers comfort level with the technology in their classroom Explore how they use technology in their classrooms Gather information about what they feel they need to improve their technology skills
Newly remodeled school “Loads” of money spent on: Smartboards Document cameras Senteos Laptop carts Science labs with 14 computers each iTouch carts for each department grade level
My classroom My lesson plan
Anne Arundel County Public School Approximately 1500 students grades 6- 8 Predominantly white, upper- socioeconomic class community Extremely active parental involvement
How do I increase the use of technology among veteran teachers at my school?
21 st century literacy Technology use by students › limitless resources › Differentiation › Responsibility › engagement Technology use by teachers › Gap between teachers and students › Comfort levels
Quantitative research- gives us the numbers Qualitative research- gives us the how, why Teacher research- gives the how, why to a specific question for a specific classroom/teacher- can’t usually be generalized
Research journal Survey Interviews
Meet with administration Professional development eCoaches Online learning communities Time
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Marzano, R.J.,(2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action.Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Mills, G. (2000). Actio research: A guide for the teacher researcher. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: children, computers, and powerful ides. Brighton: Harvester Press Riel, M. (1994). Educational change in a technology-rich environment. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 26, 4. Sheingold, K. & Hadley, M., (1990) Accomplished teachers: integrating computers into classroom practice. New York: Center for Technology in Education, Bank Street College of Education. Snoeyink, R., (2002). Thrust into technology: How veteran teachers respond. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 30, 1, p Steinberg, B, Kaplan, K., Borock, J. (2007) Enhancing adolescent literacy achievement through integration of technology education in the classroom. Reading Research Quartely 42, 3,