Catalytical space heating MOSCOW, November 09, 2013, Digital October
1 Problem definition Ministry of Energy 88% of energy from fossil fuel consumption State program “Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency 2020” Decreasing of energy intensity of GDP by 40% of 2007 level at least for 100 mln. ton coal equivalent 2016 Federal law 261-FZ “For energy saving and and increasing energy efficiency” Starting 1 January 2010 budgetary institution should decrease consumption of fuel at the rate of 3% p.a. U.S. Department of Energy - to increase energy savings in heating buildings by 18.2% from July 9, 2014 Agricultural case: energy costs account for 60% of value chain Without cutting energy costs Russian goods are unable to be competitive on both internal and international markets
2 Solution. Technology. Product. Classic heating Incomplete fuel consumption with CO, NO, NxOy remains with background smoke Regular structure of energy source ‒Smoke ‒Heat exchange unit ‒Coolant ‒Head element ‒Huge heat losses Catalytic heating Full fuel consumption, with only CO2 and H2O remains with complete heat transfer Innovative structure of energy source ‒No heat exchange unit ‒No heat losses Boiler efficiency until ’85 – 29%, modern - <50% Heat pipeline losses – 10%-25% Catalytic efficiency > 96%
3 Target markets and customers Individuals Shops Warehouses Chicken farms Growing houses EcoCat ‒ kW ‒96% Catalytic low-power ‒< 10 kW ‒96% Direct w/o catalysators ‒25-33% Boiler ‒25-33% $ 500 million in Russia, $ millions overseas
4 Product Product structure ‒Continuous burner by independent supplier ‒Catalytic filter - passive nozzle, no changes in burner required Fuel source ‒Diesel fuel ‒Natural gas Product line ‒2 kW ‒30 kW ‒90 kW ‒360 kW NO analogues equipment industrial facilities in Russia and abroad The equipment is industrially operated more than 8 years by independent consumers in Russia.
Thank you for being with us November 09, Moscow Russia